1 The five elements of fire are: Yi, Xie, Zhu, Dao, Jin, Jue, Lang, Lie, Ling, Liu, Lun, Qin, Rui, Shuo, Tian, Ting, Xuan, Xun and Xun.
Features of the five elements of fire:
Yang fire: fire, inflammation, ice, coal, cannon, beacon, Wei, furnace, burning, Yan, torch, dazzle, melting, Yu and other characters with fire beside them.
yin fire: light, electricity, morning, hour, dawn, morning, wisdom, sun, Nuo, Jing, Xu, Ying, Hui, etc.
The basic strokes and radicals of the five elements belong to fire: 中, メ, 中, heart, fire, c, red, eye, etc.
5 Draw five elements of fire: Dan, Dong, Li, Ling and Zhao.
6 draw five elements of fire: relaxation, abundance, light, completeness, sameness, omen and perfection.