Four words represent the birthday of a 60-year-old man.

Step by step, prosperity, longevity of Haifu, longevity of cranes, endless life, longevity like the East China Sea, the sun and the moon shining, heaven-sent emptiness, endless life, pine forests, eternal youth, windfall of beautiful girls, preparation of Haifu, longevity of pine cranes, longevity of golden ranks, longevity of Fuhai Shoushan, life and longevity.

Each island is full of spring breeze, with auspicious stars shining high, graceful splendor, harmonious kindness and bamboo, good luck, longevity in the East China Sea, longevity in Nanshan, happiness and longevity in Qingyan Xuanchou, Xuanmao in Beitang, Nanhui in Xinghui, Tenghui in Su Wei, Wang Yingchong as soon as possible, longevity in Wang Mu, and double stars in Fulu, which are named false, eternal spring, happy family and birthday celebration.