Is the Hotan Jasper Seal sold on Taobao true?
The Hotan Jasper Seal sold on Taobao is genuine. Taobao's goods are strictly put on shelves, requiring merchants to have business licenses and related qualifications. View descriptions and pictures on the product details page. The Hetian jade seal sold on Taobao is proved by the inspection report. So the Hotan Jasper Seal sold on Taobao is real. Taobao is a large-scale online retail and business circle in the Asia-Pacific region. It was founded by Alibaba Group in May 2003. Taobao provides C2C (consumer-to-consumer) and B2C (business-to-consumer) platforms. Its business spans C2C and B2C, and begins to expand into B2B (business-to-business) field.