The eldest, second, third and fourth are called Bo, Zhong, Shu and Ji respectively; or they are called Meng, Zhong, Shu and Ji.
For example: Mr. Zhao Yi has eleven children. He initially named them "Bozi, Zhongzi, Uncle, Jizi" according to "Brother, Zhongzi, Uncle Ji" (only in terms of ranking, regardless of gender, My uncle is an elegant girl).
He did not recycle the following children, but called them "Chunzi, Xiazi, Qiuzi, and Dongzi". Laojiu was called "Jiuzi". After the birth of Laoten, the husband thought it was the end, so he took the child. The word "last son" has such a meaning. I didn't want to give birth to the youngest eleventh son later, so I named him "Tuzi". "Tuzi" is the combined text of eleventh.
The ancients did not necessarily have to have special ranking titles. For example, in the Qing Dynasty, Emperor Kangxi had dozens of sons. He could call them by name directly, or they could be called the eldest, second, third, and fourth according to their ranking. For example, Emperor Yongzheng's Yinzhen was the fourth son, and the eighth son was Yinsi and Laojiu. It's Yinzhen. The fourteenth child is Yinqi, the thirteenth child is Yinxiang, and the seventeenth child is Yinli.
Extended information:
The original meaning of "Bo" is "a man without brothers", which means the boss. In ancient times, it was commonly used with the word "Meng", and it was often used in patriarchal societies. The eldest son succeeds his father as the head of the family, and the younger brothers must obey their elders.
Those who are in charge of the country also control the state affairs. For example, among the Five Hegemons of the Spring and Autumn Period, "Bo" can also be used as "Bo", which refers to the eldest brother whom the allies regard as controlling the government. "Bo" and "Ba" are both interchangeable.
The original meaning of "Zhong" is explained in "Shiming": "Zhong, Zhongye, means that the position is in the middle. (Zhong, Zhong means, it means in the middle position.)" "Zhongzi" refers to the second son, and "Zhongnu" refers to the second daughter. Sima Yi, courtesy name Zhongda, ranked second. His eldest brother: Sima Lang, also known as Boda; his third younger brother: Sima Fu, also known as Shuda; and his fourth younger brother: Sima Kui, also known as Jida.
Uncle" refers to the younger one, and is now often used to refer to the father's younger brother. "Ji" refers to the youngest, not necessarily the fourth.
In ancient times, women did not have names before they got married. In order to distinguish them, unmarried girls usually use Meng (Bo), Zhong, Shu and Ji before their surnames to distinguish their rankings. For example, Zhongzi and Shuji are recorded in ancient books, which means the second daughter of the Zi family and the Ji family. The third girl. Therefore, Meng Jiangnu who cried down the Great Wall is not named Meng, but refers to the eldest daughter of the Jiang family!
Baidu Encyclopedia - Bo Zhongshu Ji