How many trademark categories does wallpaper belong to?

As a decoration material, wallpaper is widely used in the decoration of homes, hotels, office buildings, etc. Because of its diverse colors, rich patterns, short construction time, and low price, it has become popular in the home decoration market.

Nowadays, many families pay more attention to house decoration, so how to achieve the expected decorative effect at a lower cost? Wallpaper is a good choice. As market demand continues to increase, the styles of wallpaper are also becoming more and more popular. The richer it is, the simpler and more convenient wallpaper is compared to other decorative materials. If it is a rental house, wallpaper is a good material for decoration. So, which category of trademark does wallpaper belong to?

The wallpaper trademark registration belongs to the 2704 group of the 27th category of trademarks. According to the 2017 Nice Classification, Class 27 trademark details mainly include carpets, mats, mats, linoleum and other flooring materials; non-textile wall curtains.

2704 Group Details

2704 Non-textile wall hangings, wallpapers and non-textile tapestries

Note: Non-textile wall hangings and 2403 textile wall tapestry, Textile wall hangings are similar to 2403 Textile tapestries (wall hangings) and Textile wall hangings in the ninth edition and previous editions.

Wallpaper 270007, non-textile wall hanging 270013, textile wallpaper 270018

New products: non-textile wallpaper, cork wallpaper, plastic wallpaper, vinyl wallpaper, with Textile coverings for wallpapers, paper wall coverings, wallpapers.