K-prefix train seat map?

K-prefix train seat distribution map:

Generally, there are 1 18 trains with prefix K, and some also have 1 12 trains. Because of the conductor's room, there are 2+2 trains at the head and tail, which are divided into 1, 2, 3, 4,1. See the figure below for details:

Numbers ending with 4, 9 or 0, 5 are window seats, 4, 9 are two window seats, and 0, 5 are three window seats. 1 15, 1 16, 1 17, 1 18 are all near the bathroom and sink.

K-prefix train sleeper distribution map

A hard sleeper generally has 60 to 66 bunks and 54 bunks. Each one is like a small room, and a small room has six beds. No.65438 +0 upper berth, middle berth and lower berth, No.2 upper berth, middle berth and lower berth, and so on. The following is the seat distribution map of the hard sleeper car.

Extended data:

Express passenger train is a type of national railway passenger transport train in China, which is higher than ordinary passenger express and lower than express passenger train. The number of express passenger trains begins with the capital letter "K", which appeared after the first large-scale railway speed increase in China. Most passenger cars are red 25G bodies, also known as "red leather cars".

The maximum speed of the express train is 120km/h, and it stops at municipal and county stations. The travel speed of the train was obviously higher than that of ordinary passenger trains, and it was a medium-speed passenger train at that time. However, in the era of high-speed rail, a large number of green leather cars were eliminated, the number of ordinary passenger trains dropped sharply, and express trains and high-speed EMUs were popularized. Therefore, modern express trains are actually very slow and become de facto ordinary trains.


Baidu encyclopedia-express bus