In the order of Russian name, Chinese translation name and original intention
мускиеиа: александ10886;
алексей Alexei (Greece) defense.
анатолий Anatoly (Greece) sunrise.
андрей Andre (Greece) is brave.
антон Anton (Greece) went into battle.
борис Boris (Russia, Bulgaria) fought for honor.
валентин Valentin (La) is healthy.
василий Vassili (Greek)
виктор winner (La).
Vladimir owns the world.
геннадий Gennady (Greek)
евгений yevgeny (Greece) noble.
Egor (Greek) farmers
еуимEfim (Greece) has a good heart.
I'm sorry for Ivan (Guyou).
игорь Igor (Russia) patron saint of wealth
илья Ilya (Guyou) My God, the Lord.
лев Leo (Greek) lion
Greek lion
максим Maxim (La) is the largest.
матвеййййймаййййййййййййййййй 108
михаилллиллиллллллллллллллллл 108
Nikita (Greece) Victory
николай Nikolai (Greece) won.
пётр Peter (Greece) Stone
семён Xie Miao (Guyou) can hear God.
сергей Sergei (La) A noble family in Rome.
Greek garland
юрий Yuri (Greece) farmer
яковьь Yakov (Guyou)' s heel (born by grasping the heels of twin brothers)
енскиеимена: аврорааккакккккака
агат1072agata (Greece) Well, be kind.
алла Allah (Greece) The second анна Anna (Guyou) is kind.
аниса Anfisa (Greece) blooms.
ания Amphiya (Xi) Flower
белла Bella (la) is beautiful.
валерия Valeria (Los Angeles) is powerful.
Greek belief
вика Vicat (La) winner.
виктория Victoria (Los Angeles) won.
галинаааааааааааааааааааааааа 107
дарья Dalia (Greek) is very kind.
дианааа Diana (la) The name of the moon and the goddess of hunting.
евгения Evgen Ya (Greek) aristocrat.
екатеринааа yekaterina (Greek, Latin) is pure.
елена yelena (Greek) Solar Energy
зоя Zoya (Xi) Life
ирина Irina (Greece) Peace and tranquility.
искра iskra (Russia, New) Mars.
катерина katerina (Greek, Latin) is pure.
Pure Clara
ксения Kosenia (Greece) is hospitable.
ларисаааааааааааааааааааааааа 107
лилия Lilia (Russia, New) Lily
Helena rubinstein on Mount Olympus (Greek)
любов Lyubov (Greek) Love.
людмила lyudmila (Sri Lanka) people like it.
Ocean wharf
I'm Maria's favorite.
Greece) Hope.
настасья Na Stasija (Greek) has been resurrected.
наталья Natalia was born.
ольга Olga (Scandinavia) St.
LADA· joy
раисааааааааааааааааааааааааа 107
Brett (Russia)
сусаннаа Susanna (ancient) water lily.
уамарааа Damara (ancient oil) jujube.
татьянаа tatyana (Greece).
Goddess Фея Fa Ya (Greek)
Peace in Lida Fei (Germany)
Note: 1, Russian names mainly come from three aspects: (1) First, the names of Slavic nationalities, whose meanings mostly describe people's appearance characteristics; (2) The Christian names brought by the introduction of Christianity account for the main part. Christian names are basically the names of saints, and most of them come from Greek, Latin, ancient Jewish and so on. At that time, the child was sent to the church to be baptized a week after birth, and the priest named it according to the church calendar. (3) After the October Revolution, because parents have the right to name their children, a number of new names have emerged. In fact, most of these names are only used for names for a long time, and most of them come from foreign languages. Many Russians don't understand or care about the original meaning of these names. The meanings attached above are for reference only. 3. Russians often choose their own names to commemorate their ancestors, other relatives and friends, and great men, without the traditional taboo concept of China.