The king named his surname.


Wang: It is a kind of jade. Mainly used for naming.

Shuo Wen Jie Zi explains that the world belongs to it. Dong Zhongshu said: "Ancient writers are the kings of three paintings. The three are heaven, earth and people, and the participant is Wang Ye. " Confucius said, "Three talents are king." All kings belong to kings. [Li said, "Chinese painting is near. The king is providence. " ]

City: meaning city, city wall. The latter refers to the city.

Shuo Wen Jie Zi explains the cloud: enriching the people. From soil to success, success is also sound.

Wang stands for champion, ace and king; The city represents the Great Wall, the iron wall of the copper city and the treasure of the city, which is of great significance.

The meaning of this name can be interpreted as: "King of Heaven? The Great Wall ". Wang Zuo's talent is priceless.