The word ear, part of speech, is used as a noun, verb, modal particle and conjunction. When used as a noun, its original meaning is ear. Er surnames are mainly distributed in Zhejiang and Shanxi provinces. Friends, do you know what name for a boy with the surname Er is easy to remember and can also reflect liveliness and handsomeness?
ERKaichen ErKangYi ErKeKui ErKeQi
ErKe绢ERKeHan ErKeZhu ErKeJing
ErKeLeErKe Xin Er Ke Xuan Er Ke Xuan
Er Ke Le Er Ke Xin Er Ke Fa Er Ke Ye
Er Ke Fa Er Ke Fa Er Ke Fa Er Quida
Er Kui Ming Er Kui Song Er Kun Chi Er Bun Sheng
Er La Sheng Er Lai Zhao Er Lan Mi Er Lan Ying
Er Lang Lang Er Le Le Chen Er Le Di Er Le Han
Er Le Lin Er Le Qi Er Le Qi Er Le Tao
Er Le Tao Er Le Xu Er Le Ya Er Le Yi
Er Le Yi Erle Yue Erlei Ling Erleilei
Erlei Ice Erlei Erlei Yuan Erlihua
Erli Huaerli Jie Erli Ru Erli Qiang
The ear is a soldier, the ear is virtuous, the ear is strong, the ear is powerful
The ear is established, the ear is established, the ear is established, the ear is established, and the ear is established.
Er Li Xiao Er Li Yi Er Li Zhen Er Li Jing
Er Li Li Er Li Qin Er Li Ting Er Li Zhi
Er Li Qing Duo Er Li Jing Yier Lianmiao Er Lianjing
Erliang Haierliang Kai Erliang Wangerliangqi
Erlie Xuerlin Fungus Lin Yuaner Lingyi
Er Liu Mi Er Liu Su Er Lou Gang Er Lu Ping
My comment: There are many theories about the origin of the surname Er. One is that it is derived from the surname Ji, and the other is that it is derived from the surname Ji. The third surname of Yu Mi is derived from the surname Gui, the fourth is derived from the official position, and the fifth is derived from the southwestern Yi.