What does this symbol mean?

It is equivalent to "de" and "knowledge" in Chinese. Not equal to Chinese.

⑦, one of the five syllables in Japanese. Katakana: ノ; Pronunciation (Roman) No. Grammar is used as case particle, semantic particle and noun. It is a modal particle in Japanese.

In some Chinese languages, such as "my father" (personal father) and "university teacher" (Mr. University), Japanese translation must also add "(whatever the relationship between nouns), and place names and names are all nouns.

Types and usage of "の": "

の can be a nominative auxiliary word, a nominative auxiliary word, a formal statement, or an appositive.

1, nominative auxiliary

Connection mode: body language+の+body language.

The front [body language and の] together constitute an attribute, which is used as a conjunction modifier of the back body language.

For example, "private Japanese teacher". 」

Here, "Japanese" is a kind of body language, which together with the nominative auxiliary word "の" constitutes an attribute that modifies "teacher".

I am a Japanese teacher.

2. nominative auxiliary words-the subject of definite sentences

Continuation method: body language+の+predict+body language.

The front [aspect+の+predict] constitutes a sentence and constitutes the attribute of the following body. It should be noted that conjunctions should appear in sentences: verbs and adjectives have the same basic forms, and noun phrases and descriptive verbs "だ" are changed to "な". "

For example, "ここはのしてぃる University". 」