Forty-two, a gentleman’s behavior is not noble, it is difficult to do it; it is difficult to say that it is not noble, it is difficult to observe, and his reputation is not noble, it is difficult to pass it on, but it is the only thing that should be noble——
Taiwan Note: The conduct of a gentleman is It is difficult to distinguish yourself if it is not noble, to observe it if it is not noble, to pass it on if your reputation is not noble, but it should be valued.
Lu's Note: A gentleman does not value improper conduct; he does not value improper insight into doctrine; he does not value reputation because of improper communication; only conduct is valuable. , doctrine, and reputation are valuable only if they comply with etiquette and justice.
To be careless, careless, sloppy, casual, casual.
Translation: Gentleman, when you do things, it is not about pursuing high difficulty, when you speak, it is not about sensational recognition, and when you choose a name, it is not about ease of recitation; it is just about being appropriate.