The origin of Pandora?

Pandora is the first woman made of clay by Hephaestus in Greek mythology, and was given to mankind as punishment for Prometheus for stealing fire.

Prometheus, the son of the Titans, stole fire from the sky and gave it to humans. Humans learned to use fire. The supreme ruler Zeus (God of Thunder) was very angry, so he made a woman Pandora out of clay and gave it to humans. human beings.

Zeus gave Pandora a sealed box filled with disasters, disasters, plagues, etc., and asked her to give it to the man who married her. Prometheus warned his brother Epimetheus not to accept gifts from Zeus, but he ignored the advice and married the beautiful Pandora. Driven by curiosity, Pandora opened the box, and immediately all the disasters, plagues and scourges inside flew out. Humanity has suffered from disasters, plagues and scourges since then.

Extended information:

The myth of Pandora has a long history, appearing in different versions and interpreted from different angles. However, in all literary versions, this myth serves as natural theology to explain the presence of evil in the world.

In the 7th century BC, Hesiod mentioned Pandora’s name in his Theogony (line 570) and Works and Days) is the earliest literary work about the story of Pandora.