It’s all here
Attack speed - fast, damage - normal, defense - low, health - little, movement --Quick, Diet--Picky Eaters
9 Dusk Ranger Teldrassillt;59,77gt;lt;58,76gt;lt;55,76gt;lt;54,76gt;lt;59, 76gt; Leopard
10 Mulgore the Sweeper lt; 48, 16gt; lt; 50, 22gt; lt; 48, 18gt; lt; 51, 17gt; lt; 54, 20gt; Leopard
13 Theskok Tirisfal Glades lt; 89, 45gt; lt; 85, 49gt; lt; 89, 48gt; lt; 90, 46gt; lt; 90, 47gt; Leopard
13 Shadow Claw Darkshorelt; 40, 39gt; lt; 39, 36gt; lt; 39, 35gt; lt; 41, 36gt; lt; 39, 37gt; Leopard
16 Achieki Barrens lt; 56, 17gt; lt; 56, 18gt; lt; 55, 17gt; lt; 57, 17gt; lt; 56, 16gt; Leopard
23 Lion King Huma Barrenslt ; 62, 34gt; lt; 62, 33gt; lt; 61, 33gt; lt; 61, 34gt; lt; 62, 32gt; Leopard
32 Hatteras Thousand Needleslt; 15, 40gt ;lt;17,42gt;lt;16,42gt;lt;16,40gt;lt;17,41gt;Leopard
35 Alaga Alterac Mountainslt;31,86gt;lt;31 , 85gt; lt; 31, 72gt; lt; 30, 84gt; lt; 32, 71gt; Leopard
37 Broken Tooth Desolationlt; 43, 37gt; lt; 44, 37gt; lt; 47 , 39gt; lt; 54, 17gt; lt; 45, 37gt; Leopard
57 Laxili Winter Spring Valleylt; 50, 18gt; lt; 51, 19gt; lt; 55, 14gt; lt; 54, 17gt; lt; 55, 17gt; Leopard
Attack speed--normal, damage--high, defense--low, health--low, movement-- Fast, diet--picky eater
10 Raging Winter Wolf Dun Moroghlt;34,42gt;lt;34,43gt;lt;35,44gt;lt;34,41gt;lt;33,42gt ; Wolf
22 Misty Howler Ashvale lt; 26, 20gt; lt; 27, 19gt; lt; 27, 18gt; lt; 27, 17gt; lt; 22, 35gt; Wolf
23 Rubus Dusk Forestlt;20,25gt;lt;21,25gt;lt;21,27gt;lt;36,25gt;lt;34,28gt;Wolf
34 base Grear Desolace lt; 50, 08gt; lt; 67, 24gt; lt; 65, 19gt; lt; 62, 36gt; lt; 66, 26gt; Wolf
42 Sea Cliff Runner The Hinterlandslt;17,55gt;lt;17,54gt;lt;21,53gt;lt;20,50gt;lt;21,51gt;Wolf
42 Howler Feralaslt;82 ,39gt;lt;84,39g
t; lt; 84, 38gt; lt; 78, 39gt; lt; 80, 40gt; Wolf
53 Death's Throat Burning Steppeslt; 75, 31gt; lt; 74, 34gt; lt; 74, 35gt; lt; 73, 36gt; lt; 82, 29gt; Wolf
Attack speed - normal, damage - high, defense - low, health -- less, mobile -- ordinary, diet -- picky eater
19 "Leaper" Tucker Barrens lt; 59, 08gt; lt; 60, 07gt; lt; 59, 09gt; lt; 60, 09gt; lt; 61, 14gt; Velociraptor
31 Spinythroat Wetlandlt; 70, 30gt; lt; 69, 29gt; lt; 70, 28gt; lt; 70, 29gt; lt ;68,32gt; Velociraptor
38 Dalt Dustwallow Marshlt;49,18gt;lt;48,17gt;lt;47,18gt;lt;46,19gt;lt;47,19gt; Velociraptor
50 Raptor Queen Un'Goro Crater lt; 64, 62gt; lt; 68, 64gt; lt; 62, 72gt; lt; 67, 64gt; lt; 63, 65gt; Velociraptor
Attack speed - normal, damage - high, defense - low, blood - low, movement - fast, diet - picky eater
11 Poison Needle Lesaun Tirisfal Glade lt; 52, 64gt; lt; 49, 63gt; lt; 55, 61gt; lt; 55, 60gt; lt; 57, 59gt; Bat
32 Blind Hunter (dungeon) Razor Swamp Bat
Attack speed - normal, damage - high, defense - low, HP - low , Movement - Normal, Diet - Picky
10 Female Spider Elwyn Forest lt; 62, 48gt; lt; 61, 47gt; lt; 62, 47gt; lt; 61, 48gt; lt; 61,49gt; Spider
15 Cressis Silverpine Forestlt;35,11gt;lt;36,15gt;lt;37,14gt;lt;36,14gt;lt;35,09gt; Spider
19 Shandarok Modan the Weaverlt;79,52gt;lt;80,52gt;lt;79,51gt;lt;79,50gt;lt;78,52gt; Spider
23 Chat Redridgelt;52,44gt;lt;53,39gt;lt;54,46gt;lt;51,43gt;lt;51,44gt; Spider
24 Pussy Hills Blade Hillslt; 39, 51gt; lt; 40, 50gt; lt; 26, 54gt; lt; 40, 52gt; lt; 38, 50gt; Spider
24 Blood-sucking Widow Marsh lt; 46, 64gt; lt; 46, 62gt; lt; 46, 63gt; lt; 46, 65gt; lt; 47, 62gt; Spider
27 Naraxis Dusk Forestlt; 86 , 47gt; lt; 86, 49gt; lt; 87, 51gt; lt; 86, 51gt; lt; 87, 49gt; Spider
40 Dark Mist Widow Spider Dust Mud Swamplt; 35, 38gt; lt ;35,39gt;lt;39,33gt;lt;45,22
gt; lt; 60, 37gt; Spider
48 Glider Antirus Ferraslt; 54, 70gt; lt; 54, 69gt; lt; 54, 72gt; lt; 54, 71gt; lt; 55, 70gt; Spider
48 Rek'tilak Searing Canyonlt; 53, 70gt; lt; 71, 73gt; lt; 70, 76gt; lt; 59, 71gt; lt; 61, 73gt ; Spider
57 Grethel Silithus lt; 55, 33gt; lt; 45, 26gt; lt; 45, 25gt; lt; 46, 25gt; lt; 44, 25gt; Spider
Attack speed - normal, damage - high, defense - low, blood - low, movement - fast, diet - picky eater
16 Kondar Lok Modan Westfall lt; 49, 47gt; lt; 47, 46gt; lt; 47, 44gt; lt; 45, 57gt; lt; 34, 70gt; Vulture
46 Giant Firebird Tanarislt ;47,35gt;lt;47,37gt;lt;51,39gt;lt;54,40gt;lt;54,41gt; Vulture
53 Ukarok Un'Goro Craterlt;69,15gt ;lt;69,16gt;lt;69,14gt;lt;69,13gt;lt;68,14gt; Vulture
55 Zalikot Wastelandlt;36,57gt;lt;35 , 56gt; lt; 57, 57gt; lt; 55, 58gt; lt; 55, 62gt; Vulture
◆◆◆◆City wall type◆◆◆◆
Attack speed--slow, damage--low, defense--normal, health--a lot, movement--slow, diet--omnivorous
11 Manic Claw Dun Morolt ;79,36gt;lt;80,36gt;lt;79,37gt;lt;79,38gt;lt;80,37gt;Bear
12 Wandering Crampon Bear Dun Moroghlt;55, 58gt; lt; 56, 57gt; lt; 62, 59gt; lt; 59, 60gt; lt; 58, 60gt; Bear
13 Dishu Barrenslt; 50, 17gt; lt; 49, 17gt; lt; 49, 15gt; lt; 50, 15gt; lt; 49, 27gt; Bear
14 Visgar Silver Pine Forestlt; 52, 64gt; lt; 55, 61gt; lt; 55, 52gt; lt; 53, 53gt; lt; 53, 64gt; Bear
27 Samras Hillsbrad Hillslt; 72, 27gt; lt; 86, 49gt; lt; 86, 48gt; lt; 87, 39gt; lt; 73, 29gt; Bear
31 Ursolok Ashvale lt; 83, 47gt; lt; 83, 49gt; lt; 83, 56gt; lt; 83, 48gt; lt; 83, 55gt; Bear
43 Grey-bellied Old Bear Firaslt; 57, 58gt; lt; 58, 59gt; lt; 57, 57gt; lt; 69, 46gt; lt;58,58gt;bear
Mogoreth Felwood lt; 47, 84gt; lt; 47, 83gt; lt; 40, 78gt; lt; 41, 79gt; lt; 46, 84gt; Bear
Attack speed--slow, damage--medium, defense--high, health--low, movement--medium, diet--picky eater
11 Death Scorpion Durotar lt; 38, 50gt; lt; 36, 54gt; lt; 37, 51gt; lt; 38, 52gt; lt; 36, 51gt; Scorpion
35 Evil Stinging Scorpion Thousand Needles Stone Forestlt; 70, 64gt; lt; 72, 66gt; lt; 71, 65gt; lt; 71, 75gt; 55, 39gt; lt; 54, 34gt; lt; 57, 36gt; lt; 54, 33gt; Scorpion
56 Crillac Silithuslt; 61, 24gt; lt; 65, 24gt; lt; 64, 19gt; lt; 66, 22gt; lt; 65, 23gt; Scorpion
Attack speed--slow, damage--low, defense-- High, health - medium, movement - slow, diet - picky
22 Large Locke Crocodile Locke Modanlt; 58, 31gt; lt; 58, 32gt; lt; 60, 30gt; lt; 59, 27gt; lt; 58, 29gt; Crocodile
39 Repskel Dustwallow Swamplt; 49, 54gt; lt; 48, 55gt; lt; 44, 51gt; lt; 44, 49gt ;lt;48,58gt;Crocodile
50 Sewer Crocodile Stormwindlt;64,32gt;lt;64,34gt;lt;65,33gt;lt;39,50gt;lt;38,50gt; Crocodile
Attack speed - slow, damage - low, defense - high, blood - medium, movement - slow, diet - picky eater
32 The violent Benxi Alterac Mountains lt; 32, 31gt; lt; 27, 43gt; lt; 14, 55gt; lt; 14, 54gt; lt; 22, 47gt; Turtle
51 Ironback Turtle Hinterland lt; 78, 63gt; lt; 76, 61gt; lt; 77, 62gt; lt; 79, 78gt; lt; 78, 61gt; Turtle
52 Scales Bearded Turtle Azshara lt; 53, 49gt; lt; 54, 48gt; lt; 51, 49gt; lt; 55, 48gt; lt; 53, 47gt; Turtle
◆◆◆◆Light Tank Class ◆◆◆◆
Attack speed--medium, damage--medium, defense--medium, blood--medium, movement--medium, food- - Picky Eater
17 Coyote Snout Barrens lt;42, 28gt; lt;42, 23gt; lt;41, 23gt; lt;40, 24gt; lt;41, 25gt; Coyote
43 Cruel blister-clawed coyote Tanarislt;48,26gt;lt;54,33gt;lt;55,37gt;lt;51,34gt;lt;48,32gt;
〖Wild Boar〗
Attack speed--medium, damage--medium, defense--medium, blood--medium, movement--medium, diet--picky eater
50 Curse of Grant
〖Flying Snake〗
Attack speed - medium, damage - medium high, defense - low, blood - less, movement - medium, diet - picky
25 Sky Blade Azeri Barrens lt; 43, 63gt; lt; 45, 63gt; lt; 45, 65gt; lt; 46, 63gt; lt; 45, 62gt; Flying Snake p>
41 Hayuk Dustwallow Marshlt; 52, 61gt; lt; 51, 66gt; lt; 53, 66gt; lt; 52, 67gt; lt; 52, 65gt; Flying Snake
48 Ifkar Azsharalt; 22, 55gt; lt; 23, 55gt; lt; 23, 53gt; lt; 24, 56gt; lt; 23, 54gt; Flying Snake
49 Arathur Hisferas lt; 46, 26gt; lt; 46, 25gt; lt; 47, 25gt; lt; 46, 23gt; lt; 42, 25gt; Flying Serpent
◆◆◆◆Reconnaissance aircraft Category◆◆◆◆
Attack speed - medium, damage - medium low, defense - low, health - little, movement - fast , Diet--Picky Eaters
9 Mazranach Mulgorelt;34,42gt;lt;39,45gt;lt;40,45gt;lt;42,41gt;lt;55,41gt ; Chocobo
20 Female Forest Chocobo Black Shorelt;35,89gt;lt;38,92gt;lt;34,87gt;lt;38,93gt;lt;35,88gt; Chocobo
44 Sharpclaw Hinterlands p>
52 Wise Orm Felwood lt; 55, 23gt; lt; 56, 08gt; lt; 56, 07gt; lt; 58, 19gt; lt; 59, 18gt; Chocobo/Vulture p>
Original work supplement: (only the types of monsters are added) Monsters marked with ★ cannot be captured
Level animal name location coordinates beast type
9 Mazra Natchi Mulgorelt; 34, 42gt; lt; 39, 45gt; lt; 40, 45gt; lt; 42, 41gt; lt; 55, 41gt; Chocobo
9 Dusk Ranger Teda Hilllt; 59, 77gt; lt; 58, 76gt; lt; 55, 76gt; lt; 54, 76gt; 34, 42gt; lt; 34, 43gt; lt; 35, 44gt; lt; 34, 41gt; lt; 33, 42gt; Wolf
10 Female Spider Elwyn Forest lt; 62, 48gt; lt ; 61, 47gt; lt; 62, 47gt; lt; 61, 48gt; lt; 61, 49gt; Spider
10 Mulgore the Sweeper lt; 48, 16gt; lt; 50, 22gt; lt ; 48, 18gt; lt; 51, 17gt; lt; 54, 20gt; Leopard
11 Dunmorolo the Mangy Clawlt; 79, 36gt; lt; 80
, 36gt; lt; 79, 37gt; lt; 79, 38gt; lt; 80, 37gt; Bear
11 Poison Needle Rysane Tirisfal Glade lt; 52, 64gt; lt; 49, 63gt; lt; 55, 61gt; lt; 55, 60gt; lt; 57, 59gt; Bat
11 Death Scorpion Durotarlt; 38, 50gt; lt; 36, 54gt; lt; 37, 51gt; lt; 38, 52gt; lt; 36, 51gt; Scorpion
12 Wandering Crampon Bear Dun Morogh lt; 55, 58gt; lt; 56, 57gt; lt; 62, 59gt ;lt;59,60gt;lt;58,60gt;Bear
13 Dishu Barrenslt;50,17gt;lt;49,17gt;lt;49,15gt;lt;50,15gt ;lt;49,27gt;Bear
13 Theskuk Tirisfal Gladeslt;89,45gt;lt;85,49gt;lt;89,48gt;lt;90,46gt;lt; ;90,47gt;Leopard
13 Shadowclaw Darkshore<40,39gt;lt;39,36gt;lt;39,35gt;lt;41,36gt; /p>
14 Visgar Silver Pine Forest lt; 52, 64gt; lt; 55, 61gt; lt; 55, 52gt; lt; 53, 53gt; lt; 53, 64gt; Bear
15 Cressis Silverpine Forestlt;35,11gt;lt;36,15gt;lt;37,14gt;lt;36,14gt;lt;35,09gt;Spider
16 Kang Dallok Modan lt;56,17gt;lt;56,18gt;lt;55,17gt;lt;57,17gt;lt;56,16gt;Leopard
17 Coyote Snout Barrenslt;42 , 28gt; lt; 42, 23gt; lt; 41, 23gt; lt; 40, 24gt; lt; 41, 25gt; Coyote
19 "Leaper" Tucker Barrenslt; 59, 08gt; lt; 60, 07gt; lt; 59, 09gt; lt; 60, 09gt; lt; 61, 14gt; Velociraptor
19 Shandarok Modan the Weaverlt; 79, 52gt; lt ;80,52gt;lt;79,51gt;lt;79,50gt;lt;78,52gt; Spider
20 Female Forest Strider Black Shorelt;35,89gt;lt;38,92gt ; lt; 34, 87gt; lt; 38, 93gt; lt; 35, 88gt; Chocobo
20 Gesharahan Barrenslt; 47, 40gt; lt; 46, 38gt; lt; 46, 39gt; lt; 46, 40gt; lt; 47, 39gt; Three-Headed Monster★Cannot be caught
22 Large Rock Crocodile Rock Modanlt; 58, 31gt; lt; 58, 32gt; lt; 60, 30gt; lt; 59, 27gt; lt; 58, 29gt; Crocodile
22 Misty Howler Ashvale
lt; 26, 20gt; lt; 27, 19gt; lt; 27, 18gt; lt; 27, 17gt; lt; 22, 35gt; Wolf
23 Chat Redridgelt; 52, 44gt; lt; ; 53, 39gt; lt; 54, 46gt; lt; 51, 43gt; lt; 51, 44gt; Spider
23 Rubus Dusk Forestlt; 20, 25gt; lt; 21, 25gt; lt; ; 21, 27gt; lt; 36, 25gt; lt; 34, 28gt; Wolf
23 Lion King Huma Barrenslt; 62, 34gt; lt; 62, 33gt; lt; 61, 33gt ;lt;61,34gt;lt;62,32gt;Leopard
24 Crepseth Hillsbrad Downslt;39,51gt;lt;40,50gt;lt;26, 54gt; lt; 40, 52gt; lt; 38, 50gt; Spider
24 Vampire Widow Wetland; lt; 46, 64gt; lt; 46, 62gt; lt; 46, 63gt; lt; 46, 65gt; lt; 47, 62gt; Spider
25 Giant Winged Beast Stoneclaw Mountains lt; 47, 43gt; lt; 46, 40gt; lt; 49, 46gt; lt; 46, 42gt; lt; 47, 46gt; Wyvern★
25 Skyward Blade Azeri Barrens , 62gt; Flying Serpent
26 Ultus Western Wildslt;49,47gt;lt;47,46gt;lt;47,44gt;lt;45,57gt;lt;34,70gt; Vulture
27 Blountas Barrens lt; 46, 77gt; lt; 47, 67gt; lt; 47, 69gt; lt; 46, 71gt; lt; 46, 74gt; Kodo★
27 Naraxes Dusk Forest lt; 86, 47gt; lt; 86, 49gt; lt; 87, 51gt; lt; 86, 51gt; lt; 87, 49gt; Spider
27 Samras Hillsbrad Foothillslt;72,27gt;lt;86,49gt;lt;86,48gt;lt;87,39gt;lt;73,29gt;Bear
29 Ravennock Monk Stonetalon Mountains lt; 28, 13gt; lt; 28, 14gt; lt; 28, 12gt; lt; 29, 15gt; lt; 29, 14gt;
31 Thornthroat Female Dragon Wetland lt; 70, 30gt; lt; 69, 29gt; lt; 70, 28gt; lt; 70, 29gt; lt; 68, 32gt; Velociraptor
31 Usolok Ashvale lt; 83, 47gt; lt; 83, 49gt; lt; 83, 56gt; lt; 83, 48gt; 31gt; lt; 27, 43gt; lt; 14, 55gt; lt; 14, 54gt; lt; 22, 47gt; Turtle
32 Hatteras Thousand Needleslt; 15, 40gt; lt; 17, 42gt; lt; 16, 42gt; lt; 16, 40gt; lt; 17, 41gt; Leopard
<p>32 Blind Hunter (Copy) Razorfen Bat
34 Kigral Desolacelt; 50, 08gt; lt; 67, 24gt; lt; 65, 19gt; lt; 62, 36gt ;lt;66,26gt;Wolf
35 Alaga Alterac Mountainslt;31,86gt;lt;31,85gt;lt;31,72gt;lt;30,84gt;lt;32 , 71gt; Leopard
35 Evil Stinging Scorpion Thousand Needles lt; 70, 64gt; lt; 72, 66gt; lt; 71, 65gt; lt; 71, 75gt; lt; 72, 76gt; Scorpion
37 Broken Tooth Desolationlt; 43, 37gt; lt; 44, 37gt; lt; 47, 39gt; lt; 54, 17gt; lt; 45, 37gt; Leopard
38 Dalt Dustwallow Marshlt;49,18gt;lt;48,17gt;lt;47,18gt;lt;46,19gt;lt;47,19gt; Velociraptor
39 Repus Keldust Mud Swamp lt; 49, 54gt; lt; 48, 55gt; lt; 44, 51gt; lt; 44, 49gt; lt; 48, 58gt; Crocodile
40 Dark Mist Widow Spider Dust Mud Swamp lt; 35, 38gt; lt; 35, 39gt; lt; 39, 33gt; lt; 45, 22gt; lt; 60, 37gt; Spider
41 Hayuk Dustwallow Swamplt; 52, 61gt; lt; 51, 66gt; lt; 53, 66gt; lt; 52, 67gt; lt; 52, 65gt; Flying Serpent
42 Sea Cliff Runner Hinterlandslt; 17, 55gt; lt; 17, 54gt; lt; 21, 53gt; lt; 20, 50gt; lt; 21, 51gt; Wolf
42 Kurmok Stranglethorn Valleylt; 32, 67gt; lt; 35, 64gt lt; 33, 66gt; lt; 33, 68gt; lt; 31, 66gt;
42 Feralas the Howlerlt; 82, 39gt; lt; 84, 39gt; lt; 84, 38gt; lt; 78, 39gt; lt; 80, 40gt; Wolf
42 Mudworm Dust Mud Swamplt; 37, 68gt; lt; 36, 63gt; lt; 40, 64gt; lt; 40, 63gt; lt;39,64gt; Bug★
43 Cruel blister-clawed hyena Tanarislt;48,26gt;lt;54,33gt;lt;55,37gt;lt;51,34gt; lt; 48, 32gt; Coyote
43 Grey-bellied Old Bear Firaslt; 57, 58gt; lt; 58, 59gt; lt; 57, 57gt; lt; 69, 46gt; lt; 58 , 58gt; Bear
44 Sharpclaw Hinterlandslt;35,52gt;lt;27,66gt;lt;36,43gt;lt;37,44gt;lt;27,54gt; Chocobo
44 Ripa Stranglethorn lt; 29, 86gt; lt; 34, 81gt; lt; 25, 82gt; lt; 27, 85gt; lt; 35, 79gt;
46 Giant Firebird Tanarislt; 47, 35gt; lt; 47, 37gt; lt; 51, 39gt; lt; 54, 40g
t; lt; 54, 41gt; Vulture
48 Glider Antirus Ferraslt; 54, 70gt; lt; 54, 69gt; lt; 54, 72gt; lt; 54, 71gt; lt; 55, 70gt; Spider
48 Rek'tilak Searing Canyonlt; 53, 70gt; lt; 71, 73gt; lt; 70, 76gt; lt; 59, 71gt; lt; 61, 73gt ; Spider
48 Ifkar Azsharalt;22,55gt;lt;23,55gt;lt;23,53gt;lt;24,56gt;lt;23,54gt;Flying Snake
p>49 Arather Hisferaslt; 46, 26gt; lt; 46, 25gt; lt; 47, 25gt; lt; 46, 23gt; lt; 42, 25gt; Flying Snake
49 Howl of Death Felwood lt; 56, 90gt; lt; 56, 88gt; lt; 47, 77gt; lt; 48, 78gt; lt; 48, 77gt; Wolf
49 Dead Eye Cursed Land lt; 44, 27gt; lt; 46, 20gt; lt; 44, 24gt; lt; 45, 24gt; lt; 47, 20gt; Lizard★
50 Antirios Aisa Ralt; 53, 27gt; lt; 17, 53gt; lt; 19, 59gt; lt; 19, 60gt; lt; 18, 57gt; Hippogryph★
50 Ravage Queen Un'Goro Crater lt; 64, 62gt; lt; 68, 64gt; lt; 62, 72gt; lt; 67, 64gt; lt; 63, 65gt; Velociraptor
50 Mogores Felwood; 47, 84gt; lt; 47, 83gt; lt; 40, 78gt; lt; 41, 79gt; ; 62, 30gt; lt; 62, 29gt; lt; 57, 32gt; lt; 62, 27gt; Boar
50 Sewer Crocodile Stormwind lt; 64, 32gt; lt; 64, 34gt; lt; 65, 33gt; lt; 39, 50gt; lt; 38, 50gt; Crocodile
51 Destruction of the Cursed Landlt; 48, 34gt; lt; 49, 33gt; lt; 58, 36gt; lt; 48 , 36gt; lt; 49, 35gt; Wolf
51 Ironback Turtle Hinterlands lt; 78, 63gt; lt; 76, 61gt; lt; 77, 62gt; lt; 79, 78gt; lt; 78, 61gt; Turtle
52 Scalebeard Turtle Azsharalt; 53, 49gt; lt; 54, 48gt;
52 The Cursed Land of Spieverel lt; 57, 42gt; lt; 60, 40gt; lt; 62, 37gt; lt; 62, 34gt; lt; 59, 40gt;
52 Orm the Wise Felwood Forest lt; 55, 23gt; lt; 56, 08gt; lt; 56, 07gt; lt; 58, 19gt; lt; 59, 18gt; Chocobo/Vulture
53 Death's Throat Burning Steppeslt; 75, 31gt; lt; 74, 34gt; lt; 74,
53 Ukarok Un'Goro Craterlt;69,15gt;lt;69,16gt;lt;69,14gt;lt; 69, 13gt; lt; 68, 14gt; Vulture
53 Predator Korak Cursed Lands; 55, 35gt; lt; 55, 39gt; lt; 54, 34gt; lt; 57, 36gt; lt;54,33gt;Scorpion
55 Zalikot Wastelandlt;36,57gt;lt;35,56gt;lt;57,57gt;lt;55,58gt;lt;55, 62gt; Vulture
56 Crillac Silithuslt; 61, 24gt; lt; 65, 24gt; lt; 64, 19gt; lt; 66, 22gt; lt; 65, 23gt; Scorpion
57 Grethel Silithus lt; 55, 33gt; lt; 45, 26gt; lt; 45, 25gt; lt; 46, 25gt; lt; 44, 25gt; Spider
57 Grove Un'Goro Crater lt; 31, 79gt; lt; 37, 67gt; lt; 31, 78gt; lt; 33, 78gt; lt; 33, 80gt; Lizard★
57 Laxili Winterspring Valley lt; 50, 18gt; lt; 51, 19gt; lt; 55, 14gt; lt; 54, 17gt; lt; 55, 17gt; Leopard
58 Grubsor Hilly Susslt; 53, 42gt; lt; 54, 38gt; lt; 45, 43gt; lt; 48, 41gt; lt; 52, 43gt;
60 Tyrannosaurus King Mosh'angolo Crater lt; 30, 49gt; lt; 29, 39gt; lt; 31, 36gt; lt; 31, 35gt; lt; 27, 45