How many traditional Chinese characters are there for Long?

Question 1: How many long is the stroke of long in traditional Chinese?

The pinyin of long: long The traditional Chinese character of long: The strokes of long: 17 The five elements attributes of long: Mathematically good and bad luck in naming the character Huolong: Whether the character Jilong is a surname: is the character Long. Explanation: Long

(phonetic. From birth, lowering the province sound. Original meaning: high) Fengda; high [grand; high] Long, Feng Big too. -- "Shuowen" Wan Zhonglong. -- "Erya? Shishan". Note: "The center of the mountain is high." Although the city of Xue is long. -- "Warring States Policy? Qi Ceyi" Longzhun and Longyan. -- "Historical Records? Gaozu Ji" Duan Qianmu Zhilong. -- "Lu's Spring and Autumn Period? Qiu Qixian" Lower the charge to attack. -- "Huainanzi? General Theory" Delong Wangzun. --Ming Dynasty and Song Lian's "Preface to Sending Ma Sheng to Dongyang" Another example: Longqiong (the appearance of a bulge); Longdei (the appearance of unevenness); Longyue (high mountain); Longen (the great grace given by the emperor) The country is in great danger Prosperous; flourishing [prosperous] Your Majesty is in Luoyang, why do you want to be as prosperous as the Zhou Dynasty? - "Historical Records? Biography of Liu Jing, Shu and Sun Tong" The prosperity of the Han Dynasty. --Zhuge Liang's "Chu Shi Biao" Another example: Xinglong (prosperity); Longti (rise and fall); Longti stepless (that is, good and bad are not related) Rich [rich; abundant]. Such as: Longsha (referring to the difference between superiority and inferiority, thick and thin); Longxiao (i.e. caring, respecting); Longai (thousand love); Longyu (generous treatment); refers to the degree [deep]. In the middle of winter, the poor lie on the ground. . --Fang Bao's "Miscellaneous Notes from Prison" Another example: Longqinghouyi (deep friendship); Longhan (severe cold, severe cold); Longwinter (moving); rise; increase [rise] Although the city of Longxue is as high as the sky, it is still useless . -- "Warring States Policy" Another example: Long Ping (Sheng Ping) Respect [worship] Learn the classics, the most important thing is to be good to the person, Long Li comes second. -- "Xunzi" Another example: Longli (reuse; attach importance to); Longde (respect, noble character); Longgui (nobility, dignity); stand above; above the average; circle diameter eight Chi, the cover is raised. -- "Book of the Later Han Dynasty? Biography of Zhang Heng" To grow [grow] Chen Mang worked hard to raise Longjiu's son. -- "Book of Han" To prosper [prosper] Prosper the country and protect the family. --Fang Xuanling's "Book of Jin" To control the world and prosper the royal family. --Cao Cao's "Praise for Zaozhi Order" Under the guise of "surrender". 下, Fall [drop;fall] The destiny is melting into the fire. -- "Mozi? Non-capture" Clouds are like rain? Rain are like clouds? Which one is the best? -- "Zhuangzi? Tianyun" Don't violate the prosperity of heaven. -- "Guanzi? Qingqianjiji" Long (Xiang) is often used for the sound of thunder or cannon [rumbling]. The sound of gunfire is loud. -- "Qing Baan Class Notes? War Class" Another example: The roar of cannons in Huangyangjie

Question 2: How many paintings are there in the word "Long"? Long character

Five elements: fire

Traditional Chinese character: long

Simplified Chinese strokes: 11 strokes

Kangxi strokes: 17 strokes

Question 3: The simplified traditional Chinese character of Long


Traditional Chinese



< p> 17

Five Elements




Long word definition

< p> Long

(Phonetic. From birth, descending sound. Original meaning: high)

Fengda; high [grand; high]

Long means prosperous. ——"Shuowen"

Wan Zhonglong. ——"Erya? Shishan". Note: "The center of the mountain is high."

Although the city of Xue is long. ——"Warring States Policy? Qi Ceyi"

Long and accurate. ——"Historical Records? Gaozu Ji"

Duan Qianmu Zhilong. ——"Lu's Spring and Autumn Period? Qiu Qi Xian"

Lower the charge to attack. ——"Huainanzi? General Theory"

Delong Wangzun.

——Ming Dynasty and Song Lian's "Preface to the Gift of Ma Sheng in Dongyang"

Another example: Longqiong (the appearance of bulges); Longdei (the appearance of unevenness); Longyue (high mountains); Longen (the emperor's gift) (Extraordinary grace)

The country is booming; prosperous

Your Majesty is in Luoyang, how can you be as prosperous as the Zhou Dynasty? - "Historical Records? Biography of Liu Jing, Shu and Sun Tong"

The prosperity of the Han Dynasty. ——Zhuge Liang's "The Master"

Another example: Xinglong (prosperity); Longti (rise or fall); Longti has no steps (that is, good or bad are irrelevant)

Rich [rich ;abundant]. Such as: Long Sha (referring to the difference between superiority and inferiority, thick and thin); Long Xiao (i.e. caring, respecting); Long Ai (thousand love); Long Yu (preferential treatment)

Refers to the deep degree [deep]

In the middle of winter, the poor lie on the ground. ――Fang Bao's "Miscellaneous Notes from Prison"

Another example: Longqinghouyi (deep friendship); Longhan (severe cold, severe cold); midwinter


To rise; to increase [rise]

Even if the city of Xue rises to the sky, it is still of no use. ——"Warring States Policy"

Another example: Longping (Shengping)

Respect [worship]

When learning from classics, don't be too quick to be kind to others, Longping Etiquette comes second. ――"Xunzi"

Another example: Longli (reuse; attach importance to); Longde (honor, noble character); Longgui (honor, dignity)

Higher ; Gaoqi [stand above; above the average]

The diameter of the circle is eight feet, and the cover is raised. ——"Book of the Later Han? Biography of Zhang Heng"

To grow [grow]

Chen Mang raised Longjiu's son day and night. ——"Book of Han"

Make prosperous [prosper]

Promote the country and protect the family. ——Fang Xuanling's "Book of Jin"

To control the world and prosper the royal family. ——Cao Cao's "Order of Praise for Zaozhi"

Under the guise of "surrender". Down, fall [drop; fall]

The fate of destiny is Ronglong fire. ——"Mozi? Fei Qianqi"

The clouds are like rain? The rain is like clouds? Which one is the best? - "Zhuangzi? Tianyun"

No Offending the sky. ――"Guanzi? The importance of oneself"


Often used for the sound of thunder or cannon [rumbling]

The sound of gunfire.

――"Qing Barnyard Notes? Warfare"

Another example: The roar of cannons in Huangyangjie

The Philosophy of Long Zi

Question 4: Prosperous How many traditional Chinese characters are called Xinglong

Xinglong has a total of 2 Chinese characters and a total of 27 strokes. The following are the strokes of each Chinese character:

Xing16 Long11

Question Five: Count the number of strokes and write down the order of the strokes.

Pinyin: lóng

Pinyin: ㄌㄨㄥ@

Radical strokes: 2

Total strokes: 11

Traditional Chinese character: Long

Chinese character structure: left-right structure

Simplified Chinese radical: 阝

Stroke order: fold, vertical, fold, hold, horizontal, horizontal, vertical, horizontal

Question 6: How many strokes are there in Long? What is the seventh stroke?

Pinyin: lóng

Phonetic notation: ㄌㄨㄥ@

Radical strokes: 2

Total strokes: 11

Traditional Chinese characters: long

Chinese character structure: left-right structure

Simplified Chinese radical: 阝

Question 7: How many strokes of the traditional Chinese character Long Qunyao Yi*** (49) Painting


Question 8: How many strokes are there in the two new characters Tu and Long? Tu

Pronunciation tú

Part Shouji

The number of strokes is 10.

The stroke names are apostrophe, apostrophe, vertical, horizontal, vertical, transverse, vertical, horizontal, apostrophe, 捺,

The Chinese character Long

Pronunciation lóng

Radical 阝

Number of strokes 11

Stroke name horizontal fold fold hook/horizontal curve hook, vertical stroke , left, horizontal, horizontal hook, N, horizontal, left, horizontal, horizontal, vertical, horizontal,

Please adopt

Question 9: How many strokes are there in traditional Chinese characters for Gong? The traditional Chinese character is: Gong (the traditional character cannot be read, the editor is in traditional Chinese, and it was changed to simplified after submission, as shown in the previous picture

), but there is an extra stroke between the two mouths, that is There is one more stroke than traditional Chinese than simplified Chinese, 9 strokes for simplified characters and 10 strokes for traditional characters

The above is typed by hand. If there are no problems, please accept or agree, thank you!

Question 10: How to write accurate traditional Chinese characters? How many paintings are accurate?

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