How to spell the name of League of Legends vertically? Three, just these two.

You can find "three" by typing "point" in the input method.

Type "丨" looks for "丨" in the input method.

The result is as shown in the figure:

League of Legends (LOL) is a DOTA competitive online game developed by Riot Games in the United States and operated by tencent games in Chinese mainland. There are hundreds of personality heroes in the game, as well as some special cultivation systems such as ranking system, talent system and rune system. ?

League of Legends is also committed to promoting the development of global e-sports. In addition to developing professional leagues and building an e-sports system, League of Legends also hosted three world-class events, namely, mid-season championship, global finals and all-star games, which won the love of hundreds of millions of players and formed its own unique e-sports culture.