My surname is Hanyu and my first name is Yuzuru. Hanyu is a rare surname in Japan, with less than 10,000 people nationwide having this surname.
The name Yuzuru Hanyu was given to him by his father, which corresponds to Hanyu's zodiac sign Sagittarius. He hopes that Yuzuru Hanyu can be as relaxed as the string on a bow and arrow, and be tense when life should be tense. Stretch, relax when it's time to relax.
Yuzuru Hanyu’s character traits
Perseverance and tenacity, able to overcome limited physical conditions to use sweat and wisdom to fight and create his own miracles. Yuzuru Hanyu, who possesses the dual sides of angel and devil, is where his charm lies.
Social evaluation Yuzuru Hanyu is a highly talented figure skater. His delicate performance and sincere emotions interpret the classic love-themed program "Romeo and Juliet" with skillful steps. Dharma and passion are devoted to the performance.
Yuzuru Hanyu was born on December 7, 1994 in Sendai City, Miyagi Prefecture, Japan. In 2014, the 20-year-old Yuzuru Hanyu became the youngest Olympic champion in men's singles figure skating in 66 years.