What was the big mistake of World War II?

The Lorenz cipher presented an even greater challenge, as its cousin the Enigma was discredited by the codebreakers at Bletchley Park throughout the war. Unlike the 3 or 4 dials of the Enigma cipher machine, the Lorenz cipher uses 12 dials to encrypt the sent information, which is incredibly secure. The Lorenz cipher system therefore differed from the Ingmar cipher system used by the German standard armed forces, and was only used by the High Command when a message was received from Hitler himself. Therefore, cracking the Lorenz code (called the Tuna code by the British) would have the potential to change the course of the war.

Throughout the war, little progress was made in deciphering the Lorenz code until August 30, 1941, when a German operator made a catastrophic mistake. When a German receiving operator did not receive the correct message, he asked the transmitter to resend the message, and despite clear protocol against it, two operators resent the message without changing their key settings (which determine how text is typed). messy settings). However, since the message in question is 4000 characters long, the lazy German operator shortens a few words, thus changing the length of the message. Since their key settings are the same, the characters of these two messages are scrambled in the same way. Therefore, by comparing where the information text changes, it is possible to determine the details of how the rotor works.

Both messages were intercepted by the British, who quickly realized the importance of their discovery. The task of cracking Tuna was given to W. T. (Bill) Tutte, who began looking for repetitions in the cipher, which allowed him to reverse engineer the logical structure of the Lorenz machine, which became known as the "Second One of the greatest intellectual achievements of the First World War". In 1943, Tommy Flowers, the first modern computer, built the British Colossus to support the painstaking decryption of German messages.

The impact of Colossus’ decryption of tuna is huge. It gave intimate details of Hitler's most secret communications to the British on D-Day, most notably crucial to the Allies' ability to deceive the Germans that they were going to attack Calais and Normandy and the Battle of Kursk in 1943. A last resort attempt to reverse their fortunes on the Eastern Front and in one of the largest wars in history. Without prior knowledge of the German plans provided by the British, the Soviets were poorly prepared for defense and could lose this crucial battle and, as a result, the war would be prolonged. In fact, historians estimate that the breaking of the Lorenz code shortened the war by two years, thus saving millions of lives, all due to the negligence of two lazy German operators.

However this key event is not well known due to the nature of the code kept under the Official Secrets Act. The Beanhuckers were committed to keeping the Lorenz code secret until 1974, and some former employees even today refuse to break their secrecy. of oaths, preferring to take their knowledge to the grave.