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Urania. The name her parents gave her did not bring any good. It reminded people of Uranus and uranium ore, and other things, but never a slim, comely person with a smooth face and big dark eyes. , the beautiful girl who always shows a trace of sadness in the mirror. The name Urania is really ridiculous! Luckily no one calls her that anymore. Today she is called Uri, Miss Cabral, Ms. Cabral or Dr. Cabral. According to her recollection, since she left Santo Domingo (it was still called Trujillo at that time, because the name of the current capital had not been restored when she left), whether she was in Adrian, Boston, Washington, or New York , no one calls her Urania anymore. But before that, at home and at school in Santo Domingo, her parents, teachers, and classmates were all very correct in saying this ridiculous name that she had been forced to accept since birth. Who named her? dad? Mother? Girl, it's too late to find out about this matter now: mother has arrived in heaven; although father is alive, he is almost dead due to a stroke. You'll never figure it out. Urania! This name is really ridiculous, just like when we had to change Santo Domingo to Trujillo...

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