Introduction of advertising t-shirts and polo t-shirts fabrics
Ingredients:? Pure cotton -( 100% cotton)? CVC-(65% cotton, 35% polyester)? TC? -(35% cotton, 65% polyester)? Pure polyester -( 100% polyester)? Count and gram weight: (s, g) 21170 ~180g (plain cloth)? - 2 1S 170~ 180g? 32 pieces 145g (plain cloth? )? - 32S 145g? 40 yuan 190g (double-sided) (plain cloth)? - 40S 190g? 32 pieces 190g (tented plain cloth)? 40 yuan 200 grams (plain cloth)? 2 1 200g (beaded cloth)? 2 1 220g (beaded embroidered cloth)? 32 t-shirt 220g (beaded cloth) Common fabrics: 21170 ~180g? -21s170 ~180g-commonly used in male 32 145g. -40s 190g- commonly used for men's models? 32 pieces 190g (easel plain cloth)-commonly used for women's 40 pieces 200g (easel plain cloth)-commonly used for women's POLO? Common fabrics for shirts:? 2 1 200g (beaded cloth) 2 1 220g (beaded cloth) 32 220g (beaded cloth) RSCM red spider