Wang Lekang: Anle. Suitable for boys and girls to choose names. From "Songs of Chu? Nine Songs? Donghuang Taiyi": "The five tones are diverse and complex, and the king is happy and happy."
Many people choose the name mainly based on the meaning of the word. , that is, to give a name with a good literal meaning based on their different aesthetic concepts, different wishes and pursuits, and different personalities and hobbies. This means that paying attention to the meaning of the words is the minimum requirement for choosing a good name. The so-called literal meaning of a name includes two aspects. The first is the original meaning of the name, which is the real meaning. Most of this meaning includes the namer's hope, pursuit, and wishes for the named person, and may also include the namer's personality traits and hobbies; on the other hand, the literal meaning of the name also includes allegorical meaning, that is, the original meaning is conveyed through other things.