Soltiude - the evolution of the English word Soltiude. Meaning:
n. Alone, lonely; remote place, seclusion; quiet (place), wilderness.
Morthal - a deformation of mortal, noun mortal, meaning human (generally used in religious and philosophical sentences)
Dawnstar - the English word Dawn Compound words with star. dawn: n. dawn, dawn | star: n. star
Winterhold Winterhold - a combination of winter and hold. winter: n. Winter, winter|hold:
n. Hold; retain; control. Translated here. (Winterfort's land sank into the sea due to the great earthquake, and it has been languishing ever since)
Windhelm City - wind: n. wind | helm: n. rudder, tiller; helm, control; machine Important department, collar; helmet. Note: Windhelm City was built from the ruins of the largest city of the ancient Nords. (I accidentally overheard what Senara said when she was walking around Windhelm while pretending to be the Dawn Guard)
Riften - seems to be a deformation of rifle. The verb form of rifle is to quickly search; to rummage in a hurry; To steal; to steal. The head of the Thieves Guild is here, you know
Falkreath - transliteration, no explanation. It doesn't make sense in English either
Markarth - transliteration, no explanation. I really need an explanation. Mark is a noun that means target, mark, and landmark, and arth means arithmetic and calculation. (The city of Markarth is the largest Dwemer city ruins on the surface, and it is quite famous. At the same time, the Dwemer are good at mathematics, astronomy, engineering, mechanics, and so on, things that their race cannot understand)