Judges Meditation 13: The God whose name is Wonderful

Bible Reading: Judges Chapter 13

Samson is a well-known figure in Christianity, and his story has been made into a movie. Samson is the last judge in the Book of Judges. Chapters 13-16 and four chapters are used to describe Samson.

In this chapter we will consider that God is the One whose name is Wonderful.

First, we see the first appearance of the Angel of the Lord. Verses 1-7

The Israelites began a new vicious cycle. Because of their evil deeds, God delivered them into the hands of the Philistines. As is customary at this time, they called on God to save them. But in Samson's time, their hearts were numb. They were accustomed to Philistine slavery and no longer cried out to God for salvation.

Our God does not sit back and do nothing, He takes the initiative to save. This time God was going to do a wonderful thing and use a barren woman to give birth to a savior. This child was required to be a Nazarite throughout his life.

The woman recounted the words of the angel of the Lord to her husband. We find that the woman did not care that this child was to begin the mission of saving the Israelites.

Samson was born in humiliation and hardship, and Jesus Christ was also born in humiliation and hardship. A woman who is barren is considered a disgrace on earth.

Samson was born to save the Israelites from the hands of the Philistines, and Jesus Christ was born to save his people from their sins. (Matthew 1:21)

Secondly, we see the second appearance of the angel of the Lord. Verses 8-23

Because of God’s extraordinary grace and mercy, the angel of the Lord appeared to the woman for the second time. The woman called her husband over, and the content was repeated about how to treat the child who was about to be born.

The woman’s husband was to be sacrificed to him. The angel of the Lord accepted the sacrifice and then disappeared. It was then that they realized they had seen God.

The Angel of Jehovah revealed that his name is Wonderful. This naturally reminds us of the Messiah promised by God. His name is Wonderful, Counselor, and Almighty. God, the everlasting Father, the Prince of Peace. (Isaiah 9:6) This child promised by God is Jesus Christ. In other words, the angel of Jehovah appeared to people in human form in the Old Testament, which is the appearance of Jesus Christ.

Finally, we see the Spirit of the Lord moving upon God’s servants. Verses 24-25

The woman gave birth to a son and named him Samson, which means little sun. Jesus Christ is the Sun of Righteousness, the true light that illuminates all who live in the world.

When the child grows up, the Lord blesses him. As Jesus Christ grew, God's grace grew in him, his wisdom and stature increased, and the favor between God and men increased together with him.

The Spirit of the Lord began to affect Samson, and Samson’s power came from the power of the Holy Spirit. After Jesus Christ was baptized, the Holy Spirit fell on Him, and He received the power of the Holy Spirit to complete the work of salvation.


Our God’s name is Wonderful, and He can do wonderful things.

He makes the impossible possible. With man, all things are possible, but with Him all things are possible.

In every day of our lives, let us look to Him, seek Him, and experience the miracles of life.