Heavy-hearted, incoherent words, vague words, laughter, loud words, not strange words, four words and three words, concise words
Deep feelings, long heart, heavy smile, loud voice, heavy mood, wonderful words, witty remarks all over the world, loud laughter, redundant words.
A short story, a long story, a long story, a wonderful story, a tasteless story, a distant story, soft language speaks parrot's words.
"Birds are singing and flowers are fragrant" is a pun and a broken punch line.
The combination of nonsense and bad words can explain the problem very well. A "snake in the knee" means that people laugh and talk, and Yan Ying breaks his voice.
It's hard to say a thousand words, but my eyebrows are empty, my eyes are wide open, my words are numerous, unique, English, gentle, Yan, Yingge and kind.
Good words are like pearls, but cold words are cruel. Iceman's class is full of false words and humorous words. Eye-catching words and witty words are amazing.
A thousand words, clever words, sweet words, sweet words, no words, only gentle words, warm words, eloquent words, airtight words.
Summer insect language, ice language, trilingual language, four-source language, silent language, high language, whispering, going down the street, talking eyebrows.
On the same day, whispering to each other, gossiping, talking to myself, saying goodbye, in a few words.
Sweet talk, nonsense, whispering, whispering, whispering, whispering, gossiping.
Bold words, gossip, gossip, nonsense, reticence, coldness.
Muttering, gossip, crazy talk, foul language, flowers, birds, broken language, sound, Buddhist language.
Hurtful words, sharp words, cold words, argot, slang, few words, whispers.
Obscene words, strange words, different words, obscene words, poor words, beautiful words, rumors and whispers
Feng speaks softly, but in the same year, his words are empty, sharp, talkative and jealous.
Taking gossip as words, half of the Analects can be spoken quickly, gossip is meaningless, and Chinese is hesitant and silent.
Unspoken words, sweet words, beautiful words, sweet words, cold words, idle words, cold words, kind words.
Gossip, gossip, superfluous words, soft words, soft words, soft words, sweet words, soft words.
Gossip, slang, foul language, foul language, gossip, long words, words, pipa, old words, floating words, clever words
Swearing, pipa nonsense, whispering, feminine language, mysterious language, cold language, savage songs, swearing, rambling language.
Words of words