The surname Le is pronounced lè.
The surname Le is a rare surname. The true origin of the surname "Le" is based on relevant records, research on ancient relics, careful review of the Le family tree and some folklore; the surname "Le" comes from the Western Han Dynasty, when King Huiwen Liu Fei, the great ancestor Chang Gengnan, was the brother of Emperor Xiaohui. .
Celebrities with surnames
Le Zhimin: After becoming an official, he has a history of political achievements; Caoxian County, Shandong.
Lexi: courtesy name Jingyu, a Jinshi in the middle year of Yichou, and served as the director.
Le Siji: A native of Liyang, a general. During the period of Wu Zetian, when her official career was prosperous, Li Bai once presented a poem: "In ancient times, Liyang County has turned into a flood; the mountains and rivers are still lush, and the dragons and tigers are shining with secret splendor; General Teshengle is as powerful as a hundred husbands."
Reference for the above content? Baidu Encyclopedia-Le Surname