At the beginning of the Han Dynasty, Zangcha, the granddaughter of the founding Wang Yan, married someone and gave birth to a man and two women. The eldest daughter is Wang Hao. When Wang Hao grew up, her mother Zanger married her to an ordinary family named Wangsun Jin in Changling.
One year after marriage, Zangerqiang took his eldest daughter, Wang Miao, back from her husband's house, and then sent Wang Miao to the uterus by various means. After Wang Yi entered the palace, she was favored by others and was soon named a beauty.
Later, Liu Qi succeeded to the throne and Wang Yi became Mrs. Wang. Wang Jue gave birth to three women and one man for Liu Qi, the eldest daughter Princess Pingyang, the second daughter Princess Nangong, the third daughter Princess Si Long, and a man Liu Che as Liu Qi's heir to the throne.
Later, Emperor Jing of Han Dynasty successively abolished Empress Bo and Suu Kyi, and made Mrs. Wang the queen, called Empress Xiaojing, and Mrs. Wang's son Liu Che was also made the prince.
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Like Empress Bo, the mother of Emperor Wen of Han Dynasty, the mother of Emperor Wu of Han Dynasty married someone before entering the palace. However, unlike Bo Xilai, Wang Yi entered the palace as a married woman, and her marriage with Han Jing was bigamy.
In the feudal society with strict patriarchal clan system, it is inconceivable that a married man can marry the emperor. This is because compared with other dynasties, women in Han Dynasty had more freedom and more relaxed living space.
Society is also more tolerant and respectful to women. The Han Dynasty was far from the birth of feudal Neo-Confucianism, and the concept of female chastity was not so strong, and it still retained a little aftertaste of matriarchal society.
Women have great autonomy in remarriage, which is a very common and natural thing. Therefore, whether it is Wang Hao, the mother of Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty, or Princess Pingyang, who was married three times later, the society has not criticized her remarriage too much.
Baidu Encyclopedia-Wang Yi