1. Pinyin: zhòng, which means that "Zhong" belongs to three people. "Three" means a lot. "Crowd" means that everyone is standing. Common phrases: numerous, outnumbered, speak with one voice, in full view.
2. Xin Pinyin: xρn, which means: store name and name are common words, indicating how prosperous the gold is. Common name: Hao Xin,
Xin _.
3. Sen Pinyin: sēn, which means dense and dense trees, extended from forest to forest, neat and serious, and described as gloomy and terrible. Commonly used words are: forest, forest station, forest terror, forest cold.
4. Lei Pinyin: lěi, a knowing word, comes from the third Story of the Stone. "Stone" is a stone; "Three" is for many, for many. Three "stones" means "thunder", which means that many stones are piled together. "Shuo Wen Jie Zi Bu": "Those who thunder are also full of stones."
5. products. Pinyin: pǐn, pin, knowing, from three mouths. Mouth represents people, three represents the majority, and there are many representatives. Original meaning: numerous