First name pinyin + space + last name pinyin. The first letter of the pinyin of the first name and the pinyin of the last name is capitalized.
Chinese name: Wang Laowu? English name: Laowu ?Wang
For more examples, see the picture below:
The English name means English name. Since English is the most widely used in the world, having an English name also facilitates people's communication across borders. The general structure of an English name is: Christian name + self-chosen name + surname. Chinese names are in the opposite order to English names: last name + first name.
Therefore, when the Chinese name is spelled in English, it is necessary to follow the format of the English name, with the first name first and the last name last.
Extended information
The English name means English name. English names are more popular in various countries at present, because there are more exchanges between countries in the world, and it is easier to communicate with English names.
The general structure of an English name is: Christian name, self-given name, and surname. Such as William Jefferson Clinton. However, in many cases the middle name is often omitted, such as George Bush, and many people prefer to use nicknames instead of formal given names, such as Bill Clinton.
The above Christian name and middle name are also called personal names. English names are different from Chinese names. In Chinese names, the surname comes first, while the English name is just the opposite.
Reference materials?
Baidu Encyclopedia-English name