Ada Edda's Hebrew glorifier
Adeline's German noble
Aileen's Greek bright
Alexa Alexa's Greek man's assistant
Alexandra Alexandra's Greek man's protector
Alice's German noble; Kindness
Alison Alison Germanic distinguished; Kindness
Ally Ali's English assistant; Partner
Amanda Armanda Latin lovely
Amber Amber English Amber
Amy Amy French lovely person; Beloved
Andrea Andrea is brave in Greek; Masculine
Angela Angela is angelic in Greek; Messenger
Ann is elegant in Hebrew; God is merciful
Anne Anne is elegant in Hebrew; God is merciful
Anthea, the Greek is as beautiful as flowers and pure as jade
Antonia, the Latin is extremely precious
April, April, the Latin flower development; April
Audrey Audrey's Germanic power
Barbara Barbara's Greek is foreign; Stranger
Bella Bella Latin is beautiful; God's Vow
Bernice Bernice Greek Victory Messenger
Betty Hebrew God's Vow
Beverly Old English comes from Beverly, England.
Blanche's Latin is clear or beautiful
Bonnie Bonnie's Scottish beauty
Brenda Brenda's Norwegian imprint; Sword
Bridget, the Celtic goddess of fire; Strength; Strong
Camilla Ksenya Goryachova Camilla Latin Born Free Communion Waiter
Candice Candice Latin Passionate
Carla Karagermanic Man
Carmen Hebrew Garden of God; Singing
Carol, a Germanic man; Song of joy
Caroline Caroline Germanic man; Song of joy
Catherine Catherine Greek pure
Celia Celia Latin extraordinary; Holy
Charis Charis Greek dear; Elegant
Cherry Cherry English Love of God; Cherry
Cheryl Cheryl Germanic Man
Christina Cristina Latin belongs to the Savior
Christine Latin belongs to the Savior
Cindy Cindy Greek Goddess of the Moon
Claire Claire Latin brilliant
Claudia Latin with a limp neck
Corinna Corinna Greek girl
Crystal Crystal Greek crystal ice; Frost
Daisy Daisy's Eye of Dawn; Daisy flower
Dawn English Dawn
Deanna's Latin is bright
Debra's Hebrew bee
Diamond's English diamond
Diana's Latin moon and hunting goddess
Donna's Latin lady
Dora's Greek gift from God.
Doris Dorash Greek belongs to the sea
Dorothy Dorash Greek God's gift
Esther, the goddess of old English spring
Eileen Irene Greek light; Brilliant figures
Elaine Elaine's Greek is brilliant
Elizabeth's Hebrew is dedicated to God's vows
Ellen Allen's Greek light; Brilliant figures
Elsa Elsa Hebrew oath of God
Emily Emily Latin amiable; Laborer
Emma, the omnipotent Germanic
Erica, the only ruler of Erica Germanic
Esther, the Hebrew god of love
Eva, the Hebrew life; Vibrant
Evelyn Evelyn's Latin is pleasant; Life
Faith Faith Latin faithful
Fanny German free
Fay Fijian French trust; Fairy
Felicia Felicia Latin Lucky
Fiona Fiona Gaelic Beautiful
Flora Latin Flower
Florence Latin Youth; Full of
Frances Germanic, free
Frieda Frieda Germanic and peace
English: Chinese: Source: Meaning
Gabrielle Gabriella Hebrew God is power.
Gail Gail is happy in Britain; Singing; Canyon.
Gemma Gemma Italian Gemma
Genevieve Jennifer Guwells blonde; Caucasian.
Georgia Greek farmer.
Geraldine Geraldine is a powerful spear in Germany.
Jill is a Latin girl.
a sword by p>Giselle Gillette Teuton
Princess Gladys of gladys Wells.
Gloria gloria Latin glory, glory.
Grace grace is elegant in Britain, France and Latin.
Griselda Griselda Germany refers to a woman who is extremely obedient and patient to her husband.
Gustave Ge Jia Stafford German-Swedish War.
Gwendolyn has white eyebrows.
Hannah Hannah is elegant in Hebrew.
Harriet Harriet, French housewife
Hazel hazel, British leader and commander.
Heather heather heather, a flowering heather in England.
Hedda hedda Germany struggles or fights.
Hedy Hetty Greece is sweet and admirable.
Helen Helen Greece, Latin torch; Bright.
Heroise Sea Lois French sound; Famous on the battlefield.
Hermosa and Monza are beautiful in Spain.
Hilda Hilda Teutonic Battle; Female warrior
Hilary Hilary Riley is happy in Latin.
Honey, honey, dear people in Britain.
Hulda Hulda is elegant and deeply loved by the public.
Ida Ida Germany is happy, hardworking and rich.
Ina ina Latin mother.
Ingrid Ingrid's Scandinavian daughter; Lovely person.
Irene Irene France, Latin peace; Goddess of peace.
Iris, the Latin rainbow goddess; Iris.
Irma almadin, Teutonic with high status; Noble
Isabel Isabel, the oath of the Hebrew God.
Ivy ivy is a sacred food in Greek legends.
Jacqueline Jacqueline France, may God protect you.
Jamie Jamie Latin took the place.
Jane Jane Hebrew, French God is merciful; Young girl.
Janet Janet Hebrew, a French girl, a gift from God
Janice Janice Hebrew, a French girl; God is kind.
Jean French god is merciful.
Jennifer Jennifer British white waves; A enchanted, enchanting and charming woman.
Jenny Jenny is a Hebrew girl from France.
Jessie, the grace of the Hebrew God in jessie j; Wealth.
Jessica Jessica, the grace of Hebrew God; Wealth.
Jill is a mythical girl; Lovers.
Joe Joe's Scottish lover.
Joan France, a kind gift from the mythical God.
Joanna Joanna's kind gift from the Hebrew God.
Joanne, a kind gift from Hebrew God.
Jocelyn Jasmine is happy in Latin; Happy
Jodie Jody Hebrew is very quiet; Praise.
Josephine josephine is enhanced in Hebrew; A fertile woman.
Joy Joy Latin is delighted; Happy
Joyce Joyce is happy in Latin; Happy.
Judith Judith's Hebrew praise; A quiet woman.
Judy Judy's Hebrew praise.
Julia Julia Latin has soft hair; Young.
Julie Julie Greece has a soft and calm face.
Juliet Juliet Latin has soft hair; Young
June June Latin.
Kama kama, the Indian god of love.
Karen Karen is pure in Greece.
Katherine Katherine is pure in Greece.
Kay Kay is delighted in Britain; Brother of King Arthur.
Kelly Kelly Gail female warrior.
Kimberly Kimberly was born in England on the royal lawn.
Kitty kitty is pure in Greece.
Kristin Kristin is a follower and disciple of Greek Christ.
Laura Latin laurel; Victory.
Laurel laurel Latin laurel; Victory.
Lauren laurel Latin laurel.
Lee lee is a resident of English grassland; Shelter.
Leila Anabel Arab brunette; Born at night.
Lena Lena Latin boarding; Apartment.
Leona Leona Latin lion.
Lesley Leslie Gail is from the old base; Holly Garden.
Letitia Leticia Latina, happy in Spain; Delighted.
Lilith lilith Hebrew belongs to the night.
Lillian Lillian is a Greek lily, representing purity; God's vows.
Linda Linda is a beautiful person in Spain.
Lindsay Teuton comes from a bodhi tree by the sea.
Lisa, Lisa, Hebrew dedication to God.
Liz, the Hebrew God is the oath.
Lorraine Lorraine France is a person from the small town of Lorraine, France.
Louise Louise is a famous soldier in Teutonic.
Lucy Lucy Latin brings light and wisdom.
Lydia Lydia British people from Lydia, wealth.
Lynn Lin is a person who lives near a lake in Britain.
Mabel Mapel Latin is a gentle person, kind and kind.
Madeline Madeline Greece is great and noble; Tower fort.
Madge madge Latin pearl.
Maggie Maggie Latin pearl.
Mamie, the bitterness of the Hebrew resistance; Daughter of the sea.
Mandy is lovely.
Marcia, Latin goddess of war.
Margaret Latin pearl.
Marguerite Margaret Greek pearl.
Maria Maria is sad and bitter in Hebrew.
Marian Marian is Hebrew, and Latin wants children; Elegant.
Marina Ma Lina Latin belongs to the ocean.
Marjorie marjorie French pearls.
Martha Martha Alam, housewife.
Martina Martina, Latin God of War.
Mary, the bitterness of Mary's Hebrew resistance; Daughter of the sea.
Maud is strong in Germany; Power.
Maureen Maureen Gail, little Mary.
Mavis Mavis Celt's song is like a thrush; Happy.
Maxine, Latin Queen of Maxine.
Mag Latin pearl.
May Maiden Meradin, May
Megan is a great, strong and capable person in Greece.
Melissa Melissa Greek honey.
Meroy Marcy is merciful in Britain; Compassion; Kindness
Meredith, the defender of the sea.
Merry Merry Britain is full of fun and laughter.
Michelle Michelle's Hebrew aster.
Michaelia michelia is a Hebrew god-like person.
Mignon honey is delicate and elegant in Neon and France.
Mildred Mildred Mildred is a kind adviser to Britain; Gentle and kind.
Mirabelle Mirabelle Spain is very beautiful.
Miranda Miranda is an admirable or respectable person in Latin.