Wandering merchants will appear randomly in the game, with an average of one every 14 days. He will disappear in two or three days, and there will only be a naturally generated wandering businessman in a world.
Dyeing glass will not change the color of transmitted light.
There will be a temperature setting in the game, which varies according to the terrain type and altitude.
There are three kinds of air cubes: ordinary air, cave air and void air.
If the material of the box is lost during loading, the box will display black and magenta.
Carpet is the thinnest square, only 0. 164 square height.
The coolie in the game is afraid that he can right-click it with flint instead of clicking on the ground near it.
Only oak leaves and black oak leaves will drop apples.
Jungle wood and spruce can plant four seedlings, while black oak can only plant four seedlings.
There will be a faucet box on the shadow boat, which will move when it is electrified. Everything on the shadow dragon has unusual properties.
These are some cold knowledge of my world, I hope I can help you.