How to make leaf artwork simple and beautiful

The leaf handiwork is simple and beautiful as follows:

Leaf handiwork - cute owl.

1. First prepare the materials, such as colored cardboard, leaves, scissors, solid glue (glue), and black pen.

2. Arrange the leaves how you want, and then fix them with solid glue (glue).

3. Use a black pen to draw patterns or expressions on colored cardboard, and cut off the excess parts with scissors.

4. Cut out the drawn expression and paste it on, then use a black pen to add the owl’s small paws.


are the parts of the tree where photosynthesis takes place. Leaves can come in a variety of shapes, sizes, colors, and textures. The leaves can be gathered into clusters or scattered all over the place. The edges of the leaves can be smooth or serrated. A complete leaf consists of the following three parts: the leaves are flat and cross-grown, which is conducive to receiving more sunlight.

Petiole - supports the leaf and connects the leaf to the stem. Stipules – protect young leaves. Leaves are the main organs of plants for photosynthesis and nutrient production. By absorbing carbon dioxide, it releases oxygen (release location: stomata), provides food, and provides shelter from wind and rain. Photosynthesis in leaves is accomplished through chloroplasts. Leaves are the main place where plants carry out respiration.