How to give an English name?

Of course not, just as we can't take several strokes as names, English letters are equivalent to Chinese strokes, and there are certain combination rules, so we can't combine them at will. Recommend some English names:

1, male English name with the letter A: Aaron Aaron

Abraham Adam Adrian Aidan Aidan/Aidan Alva Alva

Alex Alex (nickname of Alexander)

Alexander Alexander Alan Allen (often transformed into Eilian, Allan, Ailin) Albert Alfred Alfred Andrew Andrew.

Andy Andy (Andrew's nickname) Angus Anthony Apollo Arnold Arthur August Austin

2. English names of men starting with the letter B:

Ben (the nickname of all English names that begin with Ben) Benjamin Bert Benson Bill Billy Blake Bob Brad Brandon Brent Brian/Brian Brian

Brown, Brown, Bruce, Bruce

3. English name of male with letter C: Caleb Cameron Cameron Carl Carlos Cary Carey Caspar Caspar Cecil Ceci Charles Cheney Cheney Chris Kerry.

Chris (Christian, Christopher's nickname)

Christine Christopher Clark Cliff Cody Cole Colin Cosmao Cosmao

4. English names of men starting with the letter D: Daniel Daniel Danny Darwin David Dennis Derek Dick Donald douglas Duke Dylan

5. English names of men starting with the letter e:

Eddie Eddie Edgar Edgar Edison Edmund Edmund Edwin Elijah Elliot Elliot Elvis Presley.

Eric Eric Eric Ethan Eugene Serina Liu Evan Evan.

Enterprise English training

6. English names of men starting with letters F and G: Ford Ford Francis Franks Frank.

G (Francis, Franklin's nickname)

Franklin Franklin Fred Fred Gabriel Gabriel Gabriel

Gaby Gaby Garfield Gavin Gavin Jeffrey Geoffrey George Ginoglen Granden Grinton

7. Male English names beginning with the letters H and I: Hank Hank Hardy Hardy Harrison Harry Harry Hayden Hayden Hayden.

Henry Henry Hilton Hilton Hugo Hawke Hank Howard Howard Henry Ian Ian

Ig Nettis ignatius Woods (transformed into Ignez Ignez, Ignez) Ivan Isaac.


8. English names of men beginning with the letter J: Jack Jack Jackson Jacob

James James (English form of Jacob) Jason Zhan Sen Jay Jeffrey Jerome Jerome Jay.

Ray (nickname of Jerome, Jeremiah and Jerome) Jesse Jesse.

Jim Jim (James' nickname) Jimmy (James' nickname) Jojo (Joseph's nickname) John John

Johnny Johnny (also translated as Johnny)

Jonathan Jordan

Jose/Joseph Joseph Joshua Joshua Justin

8. The boys with letters K and L are British.

Title: Keith Keyes

Ken Ken (nickname of Ken's surname)

Kennedy Kennedy Kenneth Kenneth Kenneth Kenneth

Kenny Kenny (nickname for Kenneth)

Kevin kevin kerr Kyle Lance

Larry Larry (Lawrence's nickname)

Laurent Lawrence leander Lee

Leonard, Leonard, Leonard's nickname, Leonard, Leopold Leslie.

Lauren Lauren Laurie Laurie Laurie Louis Luke

9. English name of the boy with letters M and N: Marcus Marcus Marcy Mark Marks Marcus Marshall Martin Marvin Mason Matthew Max Max Michael, Mei Sen.

Mickey Mickey Mike Nathan Nathaniel Nelson Nicholas Nick Noah Noah Norman

10, English name of boy with letters o, p and q: Oliver Oscar Owen.

Patrick Patrick/Patrick Paul Peter Philip Phoebe Quentin

English names of boys starting with the letter R: 1 1;

Randhir Randall (like Randall) Randolph Randolph Randall

Sandy (Randall, Randolph's nickname) Ray Raymond Reid ranked Rex Richard Ritchie (with Rick, Ritchie, Ritchie. ) Riley/Riley Robert Robinho.

Bing (nickname of Robert Robinson)

Robinson/Robinson Locke Roger Ronald Tam Tan Locke Ryan Ryan.

12, English name of the boy with the letter S: Sam Sam/Shan.

Samson, Samuel's nickname) Sammy Sa

Mi (Samson, Samuel's nickname)

Samuel Samuel Scott

Sean Sean (Irish form of John)

Shawn Shawn (with Shawn) Sidney Simon Sparks Spencer Spike Stanley Steve.

Steven Steven (with Stephen) Stuart Stewart

13, English names of boys starting with the letter t:

Terrence Terrence

Terry Terry (Terence's nickname) Ted Thomas Thomas Tim Timothy

Todd Todd

Tommy Tommy (nickname of Thomas)

Tom Tom (nickname of Thomas) Thomas Thomas

Tony Tony (Anthony's nickname) Taylor Taylor

14, male English name with letters U, V, W, X, Y, Z: Motorized Altman Ulysses Ulysses Fanfan.

Vern Vern (Vernon's nickname) Vernon Vernon Victor Vincent Warner Warren Wayne Wesley William Willie/Willie Zach

Zachary San Zachary

List of commonly used English names of women

1, female English name with the letter A: Abigail Abigail.

Abby Abby (short for Abigail) Ada Ada (short for Adelaide) Adelaide Adeline Alexandra Arisha Ai Lisha Aimei Amy Alexis Alexis Alice Alicia Elena.

Alison. Alison.

Arisha Ai Lisha/Alicia Amanda Amy Amber Anna Stasija


Ya (nickname Stacey) Andrea Angela Angelina Angelina Ann (English version of Hannah) Anna Anna

Anne Anne (like Ann) Anne Anne (Anne's nickname) Anita Anita (Ann's Spanish writing) Ai Lier April April.

Ashley Ashley/Ashley/Ashley

Audrey. Audrey.

Aviva aviva (with Avivahc and Avivi)

2. Female English name starting with the letter B: Barbara Barbara Barbie Beata Beat.

Beatrice, Beatrice (same as Beatrice)

Becky Becky (Rebecca's nickname)

Bella Bella (Isabella's nickname) Beth Beth Bette

Betty Betty (a nickname for Elizabeth)

Blanche, Blanche, Bonnie, Bonnie

Brenda Brenda (Brandon and Brandon's female form) Chen Lingli Chen Lingli Britney Britney Britney Brittany

3. English names of women starting with the letter c:

Camille Camille Candice Candy karina Carmen Carol Caroline Kelly Kelly

Kelly (Carol


Caroline's nickname, the same as Kerry's) Cassandra Cassie Kay.

West (Catherine, Cassandra

Kathleen Key


Lin (English form of Catherine,

With Catherine)

Cathy Cathy (Catherine's nickname, the same as Cathy) Chelsea Charlene Marilynn Dangelo


Beautiful jade


the same

Charlotte cherry

Cheryl Cheryl (another form of Charlotte, also with Cheryl) Chloe Crisk.


Silk (Christine, Christine's Jane

Written in Kris)

Christina Christina (with Christine)

Christine Christine Christie

Scold or fight?

In the sea/sea


Betty (short for Christine)

Cindy (nickname for ?Cynthia)

Cindy (Cinderella, Cynthia, Lu

Claire/Claire Claudia Clement Clarence.

Connie Connie (nickname for constance)

Constance constance Cora Collin Collin

Crystal Crystal (same as Jung Soo Jung)

4. English names of women beginning with letters D and E: Daisy, Daphne and Darcy.

Dave Dave (David's nickname) Debbie

Black pigment

Debbie (Deborah, Deborah's nickname)

Deborah Deborah Deborah Deborah Deborah Deborah Deborah Deborah Deborah Deborah Deborah Deborah Deborah Deborah Deborah Deborah Deborah Deborah Deborah Deborah Deborah Deborah Deborah Deborah Deborah Deborah Deborah Deborah.

Ellie Ellie (Eleanor, Allen's nickname)

Emerald Amy Lida

Emily Emily Emma Emma

Enid Enid

Elsa Elsa (nickname for Elizabeth)

Erica Erica (Eric's female form)

Estelle estelle estelle Eudora Eudora Eva Evelyn Evelyn

5. The English name of a woman with the letters F and G is Fannie Fen.



the same

Frances, Fanny)

Fayfiona Flora Flora Florence Francis Francis (the female form of Francis)

Gina Ji, a foreign English teacher in Shanghai.

Tina (Angelina, Regina's intimacy.


Gillian Gillian (a variant of Julianne)

Gladys Grace (the Welsh form of Claudia) Gloria Gloria Grace.

Greta Greta (Margaret's nickname)

Gwen doringer Windolin

Hannah Hannah Haley Haley Herb Helena

Helen Helen (also known as Helen) Henna Heidi

Ti (Adahead, Adelaide)


Hillary Clinton/Hillary Clinton/Hillary Clinton

Ingrid Isabella Isabella Isabella likes salad Irene Iris Alice Ivy.

7. English names of women beginning with the letter J:

Jacqueline jade Xiaoyu

Jamie Jamie (James' female form)

Jane Jane (John's female noun) Janet Janet (with Jane) Jasmine Jasmine

Jane Jane (Scottish form of Jane)



the same

Jenny; Jane, Jennifer's love


Jessica Jessica (female form of Jesse) Jesse


Molly, Jessica's nickname; Janet's Scottish form) Jill (Gillian's nickname) Joan (the same as Jane; John's feminine form) Joanna Joanna

Jocelyn jocelyn Jolie Jolie Josephine Josie Josie (with Josephine) Joey Joey

Joyce Joyce (Joseph's nickname) Judith Judith

Judy Judy (Judy's nickname) Julia Julianne Julianne Julie June June

8. English names of women beginning with letters K and L:

Karen Karin (Danish version of Catherine) khaleda khaleda Catherine (same as.


Kate Kate (Catherine's nickname) Kathy Kay


Catherine, Catherine

Nickname of; Katie/Kate/Katie Katie Katrina

Kaikai (Catherine's nickname; Keira Kelly Chersi Chelsea Kimberly Trina

Katie Katie (Catherine's nickname)

Lareina, Lila Lacey, Lacey.

Laura Laura (Lawrence's female form)

Lauren Roland/Lauren

Lena Lena (Helena's nickname) Lydia Lydia

Lillian Lillian (also known as Lillian) Lillian Linda Lindsay

Lisa Lisa (Elizabeth's alias)

Liz Liz (Elizabeth's nickname) Laura/Laura Rowling Louisa Louisa Louise Lucy Lucy Lucy Lucy Lucy Lucy Lucy Lucy Lucy Lucy Lucy Lucy.

Lulu Lulu (Louise, Louisa's nickname)

Lydia Lydia/Lydia Lynn Lynn

9. Female English names beginning with the letter m:

Mabel Mabel/Mabel Madeleine Madeleine

Maggie Maggie (short name for Margaret) Mamie Ma

Rice (Margaret, Mary's nickname)

Mandamanda mandiman

Di (Amanda, Manda, Merlin

Nickname of da)

Margaret Maria Maria (with Mary) Marilyn Marilyn/Marilyn Martha Mavis Mary Matilda Mathilda Maline Mavis maxine Mei Mei

6. English names of women beginning with letters H and I:

Mei Mei Mei Megan Melinda Melissa Melody Melody Melody Mercedes meredith George meredith Mia Mia.

Michelle Michelle (Michael's female image) Millie Rice

Sally (Camille, Emily, Melissa


Miranda Miranda miriam Miya Molly Monica Morgan/Morgan

10, English names of girls with letters n and o:

Nancy Nancy (Nan's alias) Natalie Natasha

Natasha (also known as Natasha)

Nicole Nikita

Nina Nina (Anna's nickname) Nora Nora/Nora Norma Nidia Octavia Octavia Olivia Olivia Opheliao filia.

Oprah Winfrey (same as opera, Opie)

1 1, the English name of the girl with letters p, q and r: Pamela Pamela Patricia.

Patty Patty (Mathilda, Mathilda, Matt)

Ha's nickname) Bora Bora

Pauline Pauline (and Paula) Pearl Pearl

Peggy Peggy (Margaret's nickname)

philomena Philo Mina Phoebe Phyllis Phyllis Polly Priscilla Priscilla

Quentin Quentin (female form of Quentin) Rachel Rebecca Regina Regina

Rita Rita (Margaret's nickname) Rose Rose

Roxanne Ruth

1 1, English names of girls starting with the letter s:

Sabrina Sabrina Sally Sally

Sandra Sandra (nickname for Alexandra)

Samantha Samantha Sammy Sandra Sandra

Sandy Sandy (nickname of Andrea) Sarah/Sarah Sarah

Savannah Savannah Scarlett/Scarlett Selma Selena Serena

Sharon Sharon (with Sarah) Sheila Sheila

Shelley/Shelley Shelley (with Sheila, Sheila, Shelby, Shelley)

Shirley Shirley (same as

Charlotte, Cher, Sarah, Shirley)

Shirley Shirley Sella Slytherin Sylvia Sonia Sophia

Stacy Stacy (nickname of anastasia)

Stella (nickname of estelle)

Stephanie Sue (Susan's nickname) Sonny Sani (Sonia's nickname) Susan Susan

12, English name of the girl with letters T, U and V: Tamara Tamara.

Tami Tami (nickname for Tamara) Tanya/

Talk/chat/talk (about [something]) (with [somebody])



Buddhist nun

Ya (nickname of tatiana) Tasha Tasha Teresa Teresa.

Tessa Teresa (Tess, Teresa's nickname) Titina

Tonya tania/Tonya Tracy ursula ursula Vanessa Venus Vera Vera

Wikiwiki (nickname of Victoria) Victoria Violet Violet Virginia Vita Vida Vivian Vivian.

13, female English name with letters w, x, y, Z: Wanda Wendy Wen.

Ti (Gwendolin, Wanda's


Whitney Whitney Wayne Winnie yolanda

Yvette yvette (with yvonne) yvonne Zara Sarah Zelda Zoe/Zoe Zora Zora Zora.