The Monkey King's name was determined at the end of the first chapter of the original work. When Bodhi Bodhi met the Monkey King for the first time, he gave the Monkey King such a name, which was named after his master. The Journey to the West originally said, "Although you are humble, you are like a monkey eating a pine cone. You and I will take a surname, which means to teach you the surname' Yan'. Yan Zi went to find a wild animal, but it was a Gu Yue. The ancients were old and the moon was cloudy. Old Yin is uneducated, so it is better to teach you the surname' Yi'. The word Jue goes to the side of the beast, but it is a child line. The son is a man, and the baby is fine, which conforms to the baby theory. I'll teach you your surname first. In this way, the Monkey King had his own surname, and from then on, his surname was Sun! Then Bodhi began to name his disciples according to their generations: there are twelve words in our school, which are named as' vast wisdom as nature, sea, enlightenment and round sense'. Give it to you, just a word' enlightenment'. " Then Bodhi waved and said, "Give you a dharma name' Wukong', and the name of the Monkey King was born.
Bodhi is a figure in The Journey to the West. After the beginning of the world, he gained the Tao and led the battle against demons. Later, he lived in seclusion in Fangcun Mountain, Lingtai, Hezhou, Xiniu, and became a big golden fairy. He taught the Monkey King skills, three disasters to avoid disasters, seventy-two changes and somersaults. After the beginning of the world, he gained the Tao and led the battle to subdue demons. Later, he lived in seclusion in Fangcun Mountain, Lingtai, Hezhou, Xi Niu, and became a great golden fairy. He lived a solemn life with heaven and robbed the exorcist of his bright heart. It is said that the Monkey King, who came to learn from his teacher, was a monkey created by heaven and earth, and was willing to teach his skills, so he was named Monkey King. After the Monkey King cracked the mystery in the dish, Bodhi secretly taught him the wonderful way to live forever. Results the Monkey King: The road is not far, and he has been immortal for three years. Later, he taught the Monkey King how to avoid three disasters, seventy-two changes and somersaults. Never appeared again.
The founder of Bodhi is the fusion of Confucianism, Buddhism and Taoism. Journey to the West, the founder of Bodhi, the name of the integration of Buddhism and Taoism, Taoist temperament and Confucianism, is a master image who is proficient in Taoism, Buddhism and a hundred schools of thought contend. It also coincides with the trend of thought of the integration of the three religions at that time. Both "Lingtai Square Inch" and "Three Stars with the Moon" have entrusted the author with the idea of the integration of the three religions.
Lingtai square inch mountain, oblique moon three-star cave
Here are Bodhi, Bodhi, Bodhi, Bodhi, Bodhi, Bodhi, Bodhi, Bodhi, Bodhi, Bodhi, Bodhi, Bodhi, Bodhi, Bodhi, Bodhi, Bodhi, Bodhi, Bodhi, Bodhi.
Don't think that this name was casually given by Mr. Wu. In fact, "Lingtai" and "Square Inch" are meditation terms, and both refer to our "mind". For example, gv 10 was dropped when there was chaos. In fact, the influence of evil is first encountered in practice, and finally gradually expanded to panic.