The more English surnames, the better.

Abbot(t) Abbot Abe Abbe (Abraham's nickname) Abraham Acheson Acheson Ackerman (n) Ackerman Adam Adams Addison; Addison; Addison Adela Adela Adelaide Adolf Agnes Albert alcott Aldington Aldington Aldrich Aldrede Ahlander Alfred Alfred; Alfred Alice Alice; Alice Alik Alik (nickname of Alexander) alsop (p) alsop Ali Amelia Anderson Andrew Ann Ann Antoinette Antoinette antonia arabella arabella archibald archibald Armstrong. G Armstrong Arnold Arthur Attlee Augustine Augustine Austin Babbitt; Bai Bide; Bobby Bach bacon Baldwin Baldwin Barnard Barney Barrett Barrett; Barrett Barry Bart Bart Bart Bartholomew Bartholomew bartlett Barton Bauer; Bayer Beard Beaufort beaufort beaufort Becher Beecher Baker (Rebecca's nickname) Becky beerbohm beerbohm Berber Bellamy Berber (arabella's nickname) Bayloc Bayloc Ben (Benjamin's nickname) Benedict Benjamin Bennett (Benedict's nickname) Benson Bentham; Bentham Berkeley Becquerel; Berkeley Bernard Bernard Bernard; Albert, Herbert Bertha Bertie Bethlem Bess (Elizabeth's nickname) Bessemer Bessemer; Bessie Bethune (Elizabeth's nickname); Beaton Bessie Bessie Bessie (Elizabeth's nickname) Betty (Elizabeth's nickname) Bill (William's nickname) Billy (William's nickname) bierer Biller Blake Blake brummer Broomfield Broomfield; Blomefield Bloor Blau Bloom Bob Bobby Boswell boswell Bowen Bowman Boyle Boyle; Boyle Bradley Bradley Bray Brewster Brewster Brightbright Broad Bronte Brandy Brooke Brown Brown Brown Brown Brown Brown Brown Brown; Browning Bruce Bruno Bryan Bryce Braez Buckbuck belt buckle Bulwer Bulwer Bulwell Bulwobanyan Bunyan Burke Edward Burne-Jones Bourne-Jones (double surname) Burns; Burn; Butler Butler; Butler Byron Byron Camilla karami Kan Kerikan; Carlisle Carl Carlisle Carlisle Carmen Carnegie Caroline Carpenter Carrie Kerry; Carrie Carroll Carter Catherine, Catherine Sé E Celia Cecilia Chamberlain Chaplin; Jobelin Chapman Chapman Charles; Charlie Charlie Charlie (Charles' nickname) Charlotte Charlotte; Charlotte Charles Charles; Charles Chaucer, Chaucer, chesterton, chesterton, julia child, Julia julia child, julia child, Julia julia child, Christ, Christian, cristiana, Christie (Christian nickname) Christopher Christie (Christian nickname) Church Churchill Cisse Sisi (Cecilia nickname) clapham. Clement Cork Cork Coffey Colclough Colclough coleridge coleridge; Coleridge Collins Common West Conan congreve congreve Connie (nickname of constance) Connor Conrad constance constance Cook (e) Cook Cooper Copperfield Copperfield Copperfield Copperfield Copperfield Coverdale Copperfield Cooper; Craigie craigie Crane Creighton Creighton Croft Croft Croft Croft Cromwell Cromwell Cronin Cronin; Cronin Cumberland Cumberland Cur Me Kom Daisy Dalton Dalton Dan (Daniel's nickname) Daniel Daniel; Danielle Darwin David (David's nickname) Defoe Delia Deng (n) is Deng (n) is De Quincy de Dewar; Dewar Dewey Dewey Dick Dickens Dickens; Dickens Dickie Dickie Tommy Tam Tommy Tam Dobin Dobin Dodd Doherty Taoherty; Dottie Dolly Dolly (Dorothy's nickname) Dondora Dora (Dorothy's nickname) Doris Doris; Dorothy Dorothy Douglas; Doyle Dissel Dreiser Dryden Quilton; Dryden Dubois Dubois Dulles Dunbar Dunbar Dunbar Duncan Dunlop DuPont; Dude Eddie Eddie (Edward's nickname) Eden Edgeworth Edie Edie (Adam's nickname) Edison Edith Edmond Effie (especially Femia's nickname) Epstein Eisenhower Eleanor Eleanor Eleanor; Elena Electra ilic Treno Elliot Eliot; Eliot; Elliot Elizabeth Ella Ella (Eleanor, Eleanor's nickname) Ellen (Eleanor, Eleanor's nickname) Ellis Elsee Elsee (Alice, Elizabeth's nickname) Emerson Emily Emily; Emily Emma Emma Amy Emmy Award Amy (Emma's nickname) Ernest Eugene Eugene You Femia You Femia Eva Evan Evans Eve Evelyn Evelyn (Eva's nickname) ezekiel ezekiel Fanny Fanny (Francis's nickname) Faraday Fast Faulkner Faulkner Felix felton Ferdinand Ferguson; John Calvin Ferguson; Ferguson field Fielding Finn Fitzgerald Flower Flynn Flynn Flynn; Flynn Ford Foster Fowler Fowler Fox Francis Francis Francis; Francis Frank (also known as Francis, Franklin's nickname) Franklin Fred (Frederick's nickname) Frederic Frederick Freeman Funk Gabriel Galbraith Gabur Reyes Gallagher Gallagher Gallup john galsworthy john galsworthy Garcí a Garden (1) Nell Gardner Gaskell Dzhanis Gil Gil (nickname of Julianne) Ji Xin Ji star Gladstone Gladstone; Godwin godwin of Gladstone; Godwin Gold; Goldsmith Goldsmith Goldsmith; Goldsmith Goss Goss Grace Grace Gracie Graham; Graham; Graham Grant Grant Grantham Grantham Gray Green Gregory Gresham Gray Gregory grotte Gunter Gunter Gunther Gunther Gus (nickname of Augustus) Guy Habakkuk Haggai Haggai Hal (nickname of Henry) Halifax Halifax Hamilton Hamilton Hamlet Hamlet Hanson Hanson; Hansen Hansom Hansha Dehai; Hardy Harold Harper harriman harriman Harrington Harrington; Harrington Harrison Harold Harry (Henry's nickname) Hart Harvey Hawthorne Hawthorne Hayden (Austrian surname) Heywood Khazri Hust Park Jung Su; Hazlitt Hurst Herring (a) Holly (na) Hemingway Henry Etta Henry Etta Herbert Hetty Heidi (nickname for Henry Etta) Hugh Park Jung Su Hugh Park Jung Su Hicks Hill Hobbes Hobbes Hobson Hodgson Holmes; Holmes Holt Holt Hood Hoover Hoover Hopkin Hopkin Horace Horace; Horace Horatio Horatio; Horace (Roman name); Horace hornby hornby Hosea Hosea House House houseman houseman Houston Howard Howell (S) Howell (S) Huo Yier Huo Yier Hubbard Hudson Huggins (nickname for Hugh) Hugh Hughes; Hugh Hume Hume; Hume Humphrey Huntington Huntington Hutt Huxley Hercules; (British) Huxley ingersoll ingersoll Owen Isabel Isaiah Ivan Jack (John's nickname) Jackson Jacob James Jane Jasper James Jeames (James' nickname) Jane Joan (Jane's nickname) Jefferson Jefferson; Jefferson Jenkin (S) Jenkin (S) Jennings Jenny (Jane's nickname) Jeremiah Jeremiah Jerome Jerry (Jeremiah's nickname) Jesse Jesse (Jane, Joan's nickname) Jim Jim (James's nickname) Jimmy Jamie (James's nickname) Joan Job Job Joe (Jospin's nickname) Joel John Johnny (John's nickname) Johnson Johnston (E) Johnston Jonah Jonah Jonathon Jonson Jordan Joseph Josh Josh (Joshua's nickname) Joshua Joule Joyce Judd Judith Judson Julia Julianne Julianne Julia Julius Kate. Catherine Catherine Catherine (Catherine's nickname) Catherine (Catherine's nickname) Keats Keats Kyle (E) Y Ram Lambert Lambert; Lambert Lancelot Langdon Larkin Larkin (Lawrence's nickname) Latimer Latimer Laurie (Lawrence's nickname) Laurence Lawrence Lawson; Lawson Riccock Leacock; Li Keke Lee Leiden Leiden Lena (Helen's nickname) leonard Leopold Lu (Lewis's nickname) Lewis Liu; Lewis Lily Lincoln Lindbergh (H) Lindbergh Lindsay Lizzie (Elizabeth's nickname) Lloyd Locke London Longfellow Longman Lu (ie) Lewis; Louisa, Louise) Louisa Louise Lowell; Rolle Lucas lucia lucia lucia lucia Luke Lily Lynch Linde Linde Litton Litton; Litton Macadam MacArthur MacArthur (Scottish surname) Macaulay Macquarie (Scottish surname) MacDonald, MacDonald MacDonald (Scottish surname) MacIntosh Macmillan, Macmillan Macmillan (Scottish surname) mcpherson, mcpherson mcpherson; Mcpherson March March (Margaret's nickname) Maggie (Margaret's nickname) Malachi Malan Malone Mallory Malthus Malc Malc; Mark Mansfield (pen name) Mansfield marcellus marcellus (nickname of Marcus) Marcus Margaret Magelli Magelli Maria Marion Marjory Marjory (nickname of Margaret) Mark Marlowe Manan Marshall Martha Martin Marie masefield masefield Matt Maud Maud (Matt (h) Mao Mu Mao Mu Morris Maxwell Maxwell Mei Mei (Mary's nickname) McCarthy McDonald's (= McDonald's) Meg Meg (Margaret's nickname) Melville Melville meredith George meredith; Maikameka, Meredith Michael Michelson Michelson; Michael Sun Middleton Middleton Mike (Michael's nickname) Milne Milne Milton Minnie (Wilhelmina's nickname) Moore Moore (Mary's nickname) Mondo Montgomery Moore Moore Moore Morgan Molly Morris Morrison Morse Moreton; Morton Moses motley motley Moreton Morton Murray Nahum Nahum Nancy (Anne, Anna, Annie's nickname) Nathaniel Needham Nehemiah Nelnell (Eleanor, Helen's nickname) Nelson Newman Newton Nicholas Nicholas (S) Nicole Nick Nora (Eleanor's nickname) Norris North Norton Noyes Noyes Obadia Obadia Okesio Casey; Okasi ockham O 'Connor O 'Connor Oliver O 'Neill Onion Orlando Oscar Owen Pacipa Csipak partridge Pate; Pedro Patience Pedro Paul peacock Pearson Pearson Pedro Peggy Payne pepys pepys; Pips (British diarist) Pearl Jin Po King (Peter's nickname) Peter Petty Filimon Filimon Philip Pierce (Peter's nickname) Pigou Pigou Pigou Pigou; Pigou Pitman Popo Park Jung Su Popo Rong Supoli (Mary's nickname) Popo; Pope pound Powell Price Priestley Father Lai; Pulitzer Pulitzer; Palita Pulen Pullman Pullman Quiller raglan raglan Raleigh Raleigh Ralph Raman ramsden ramsden; Langsdon Raphael Raphael; Raphael Ralink Reilly; Rayleigh Raymond Raymond Reed rebecca reed Reed Reynolds Rhys Ricardo; Ricardo Richard Richards Richards Richards Robbins Robert Robertson Robertson Robinson Robinson Robinson Robinson; Robinson Rockefeller Rockefeller Roger; Roger (from Scottish surname) Roland Romeo Roosevelt Rosa Rosaline; Rossetti Luo Saidi Luo Saidi; Rossetti; Roy Roy Rudolf, Rudolf Rudolf rusk Roske Ruskin; Ruskin Russell Russell; Russell Ruth Rutherford; Rutherford sainsbury Senzibari; Sainsbury Sails Bury Salisbury Sally (Sarah's nickname) Salome Sam (Samuel's nickname) Samson samson Samuel Sander Sander (Alexander's nickname) Sapir sapir Sarah (h) Sarah Thurro Thurro; Saloyan Sassoon Sassoon Sol Sawyer saxton saxton Scott; Scott Scripps Scripps Senior Senior Service Shakespeare Shakespeare Sharp Shackley Shelley Shelley Shelley; Shelley sheridan Richard Brinsley sheridan; Xie Lidan Sherwood Sherwood Sydney; Sydney Silas Silas Simon Simpson Sinclair Sinclair Smedley; Smedley Smith Smollett; Mollet Si Nuo Si Nuo Sommerfeld Sommerfeld; Sommerfeld Sophie Sophie (Sophie's nickname) Sosissus; Sotheby's Spencer Spencer; Spencer spender spender Spencer Spencer; Spencer Spring Horsch Prinhall Steele; Steinbeck; Steinbeck Stella Stephen Stephen; Stephen Stephens Stevenson Stilwell Si Tong Si Tong Stowe Strachey Strong Stewart; Sarisha Si Tuleideng; Surrey Susanna Susanna Sweet Swift Swift; Swift Swinburne Swinburne; Swinburne Simmons Tate Tate Taylor Ted (Edward's nickname) Temple tennyson; Tennyson Terry (the nickname of Theresa) Thackeray Thackeray Thodore Theresa Thomas Thompson Thompson Thoreau; Thoreau Thorndike Thorndike Timothy Titus Titus tobias tobias Toby Toran Toran Tom Tomlinson Tom Thomas. Tony Tony (Anthony's nickname) tour group includes Todd Toynbee Toynbee Humphrey Trevelyan Humphrey Trevelyan Trollope Truman Turner tuttle tuttle Twain; (pen name) Twain Taylor Ulysses Valentine Van Vaughn Van Buren Van Buren; Van Buren Victor Vincent Violet Virginia vogt vogt Wagner Walker Walkley Walkley Wallace walpole walpole walpole Walsh Walter. Walton Walton Ward Werner Werner Warren Washington Watt Waterwater (Walter's nickname) Waters Watt Webb Webster Webster Wellesley W Heathley whitley Wheeler Whithead Whitehead; Whitehead Whitman Whitman; Will Wilhelmina Wilhelmina Will (William's nickname) Willard Willard wilmot (T) wilmot Wilson Windsor; Wen Ze Winifred Winifred Woodhouse Woodhouse Wallston; Wollaston Woodwood Woodwood Woolley Woolley Woolley; Woolley Wordsworth; Wordsworth; Wadsworth Wright Witt; Wycliffe (fe) wycliffe; Wilder Wilder (e) Wilder Yale Yale; Yale Yates Xia Zhi; Yates Yerkes yerkes (American surname) Young Youle Yule Zacharias Zacharias Zacharias Zang Well Zang will Zechariah Zekaraya Zephania Zimmerman Zimmermann