Oh! I'm going to draw a comic, and everyone can tell me the names of cats as much as possible!

Felinae serval cat recent photo☆Caracal Caracal Caracal caracal ☆Catopuma Borneo golden cat Catopuma badia Golden cat Catopuma temminckii ☆Felis desert cat Felis bieti cat Felis catus sand cat Felis margarita Black-footed cat Felis nigripes Wild cat Felis sylvestris Jungle cat Felis chaus ☆Leopardus Tiger cat Leopardus pardalis Small tabby cat Leopardus tigrinus Long-tailed tiger cat Leopardus wiedii Mountain cat Leopardus jacobita ☆Serval cat Leptailurus Serval short-tailed cat☆Lynx genus Lynx (formerly assigned to the genus Felis) Lynx canadensis Lynx lynx Spanish Lynx Lynx pardinus Bobcat Lynx rufus ☆Pardofelis Pardofelis marmorata ☆Prionailurus (formerly assigned to the genus Cat) Prionailurus bengalensis Iriomote cat Prionailurus iriomotensis Flat-headed cat Prionailurus planiceps Rusty-spotted cat Prionailurus rubiginosus Fishing cat Prionailurus viverrinus ☆ African golden cat Profelis African golden cat Profelis aurata ☆ American golden cat Puma Puma concolor Slender-waisted cat Puma yagouaroundi (formerly classified as slender-waisted Cat genus, recently classified as American cat genus) Juvenile puma - spotted ☆ Prairie cat genus Oncifelis South American wetland cat Oncifelis braccatus South American prairie cat Oncifelis colocolo South American forest cat Oncifelis guigna Joe's cat Oncifelis geoffroyi Pampas cat Oncifelis pajeros ☆Oreailurus (formerly included in the genus Cat) Oreailurus manul in the zoo ★Pantherinae ☆Neofelis Neofelis nebulosa Bornean clouded leopard Neofelis diardi ☆Panthera Leo Panthera leo Panthera onca Snow leopard Panthera pardus Tiger Panthera tigris ☆Snow leopard genus Uncia Snow leopard Uncia uncia ★Cheetah subfamily Acinonychinae ☆Cheetah genus Acinonyx Cheetah Acinonyx jubatus

1. Tiger (about 200-350cm long, 90-115cm high at the shoulder, Tail length 120cm, weight about 120-350

kg), the largest cat, the boss of the cat world, the Siberian tiger is the largest tiger, and the smallest existing tiger is the Sumatran tiger. 2. Lion (about 180-300cm in length, 110-130cm in shoulder height, 110cm in tail length, and about 120-250kg in weight), second only to the tiger in size, an alternative in the cat family: the only cat that lives in groups; and the only male and female species. For cats, the male and female of other cats can only be understood by looking at key parts; in areas where lion populations flourish, other cats are always at a relative disadvantage, and the main subspecies are African lions and Asiatic lions. 3. Jaguar (Jaguar, about 130-210cm in length, 80-100cm in shoulder height, 100cm in tail length, and about 80-130kg in weight), the all-around champion among cats. It is neither a tiger nor a leopard. 4. Puma (mountain lion, about 110-210cm long, weighing about 60-100kg), the largest cat in the genus, and the rock climbing champion among the cats. Two cheetahs 5. Leopards (including African leopards, golden leopards, Far Eastern leopards, etc., about 100-200cm long and weighing about 50-100kg) live in Africa and Asia. Can carry prey equal to its own body weight up a tree. 6. Cheetah (Indian leopard, about 100-150cm long, weighing about 40-80kg), the sprint champion of land mammals, taking just over 2 seconds to run 100 meters. To be precise, it is a semi-social animal, and the paws of young cheetahs will also be semi-retracted. 7. Snow leopard (about 90-140cm long, weighing about 30-70kg), the jumping champion among cats, the cat with the highest altitude, the god of snow-capped mountains, extremely beautiful. Snow leopard 8. Lynx (Eurasian lynx, about 80-130cm long, weighing about 12-30kg) 9. Spanish lynx (Iberian lynx, about 85-110cm long, weighing about 15-25kg) 10. Canada Lynx (about 80-110cm long, weighing about 10-20kg), the most docile lynx. 11. Clouded leopard (about 75-110cm long, weighing about 11-23kg), the tree-climbing champion among cats. It has the longest canine teeth in its proportion, reaching 3 cm, which is equivalent to that of a leopard. Known as the little saber-toothed tiger. 12. The caracal (about 60-110cm long, weighing about 11-20kg) is the bird-catching champion among cats. To catch birds, it naturally has to jump very high, so it is also the high-jumping champion among cats. 13. Bobtail cat (about 75-110cm long, weighing about 6-15kg), the smallest lynx. Young short-tailed cat 14. Serval cat (about 65-100cm long, weighing about 9-18kg), the weirdest cat. Its body shape is exactly the opposite of that of a lion, and its head is a bit exaggerated. 15. Golden cat (Asian golden cat, About 50-105cm long and weighing about 12-16kg), all golden cats are like smaller versions of the puma (American golden cat). 16. Tiger cat (about 65-100cm long, weighing about 11-16kg), the largest tiger cat. 17. African golden cat (about 60-102cm long, weighing about 9-14kg) 18. Fishing cat (about 65-95cm long, weighing about 6-12kg), the swimming and diving champion among cats, and the fishing champion. There are webs between them, and they can hold their breath in water for more than ten minutes. 19. Jungle cat (about 65-75cm long, weighing about 4-16kg), the largest cat. 20. Desert cat (about 60-85cm long, weighing about 4.5-9kg), the most hard-working cat. 21. Slender-waisted cat (about 55-70cm long, weighing about 4-9kg), looks a bit like a weasel 22. Long-tailed tiger cat (about 45-80cm long, weighing about 4-9kg) 23. Mountain cat (Andean lynx, long About 57-64cm, weighing about 4-7kg), it is the cat that experts least understand, and even its diet is based on speculation. 24. South American savanna cat (about 55-75cm long, weighing about 3-7kg) 25. Joe's cat (about 45-75cm long, weighing about 3-8kg) 26. Wild cat (Olin cat, all cat genus are like cats , referred to as cat, including domestic cats, about 45-75cm long and weighing about 3-8kg), the most murderous cat, is not flattering, it is true.

Domestic cats are the most feral among domestic animals and can turn into wild cats immediately when released into the wild. 27. Ocelot (including Iriomote cat, about 40-65cm in length and 4.5-6.5kg in weight), the largest ocelot. 28. Borneo golden cat (about 53-67cm long, weighing about 2.3-4.5kg), the smallest golden cat. 29. The rabbit (about 50-65cm long, weighing about 2-4.5kg) is the best among cats. In fact, it is the most adorable cat. It looks like a ball of hair in the palm of your hand. But because their fur is precious, they are often poisoned and killed, and this kind of people are really capable of killing them. 30. Clouded cat (striped cat, small clouded leopard, about 45-60cm long, weighing about 2-6kg), the smallest big cat, a smaller version of the clouded leopard, and a master in the trees like its elder brother. 31. Sand cat (about 40-57cm long, weighing about 2-3kg), the snake-catching champion among cats. 32. The flat-headed leopard cat (about 40-60cm long, weighing about 1.8-2.7kg) is somewhat similar to a fishing cat. It is an expert at fishing. It has webbed claws and small claws that cannot be fully retracted into the claw sheaths. 33. South American forest cat (about 40-55cm long, weighing about 1.8-2.5kg), the smallest prairie cat. 34. Small spotted tiger cat (about 40-55cm long, weighing about 1.5-2.3kg), the smallest tiger cat. 35. Black-footed cat (about 33-50cm long, weighing about 1-2kg), the smallest cat. 36. Rusty-spotted leopard cat (about 35-48cm long, weighing about 1.1-1.6kg), the smallest ocelot and the smallest cat. Jaguar, the largest cat in the cat family - Siberian tiger (Siberian tiger), the only dimorphic cat - lion, the fastest cat - cheetah, the most widespread cat - leopard, the most powerful bite Cats - jaguar, the largest cat - tiger, clouded leopard, cat with the largest proportion of canine teeth - clouded leopard, cat with the thickest canine - tiger paws, the largest cat - tiger paws, the largest cat - tiger The most precious cat—the South China tiger. The most beautiful cat—the snow leopard. Other little facts