Business naming

1. 1. Zheng'an; 2. Senshuo; 3. Tengshang; 4. Extraordinarily beautiful; 5. Kanglida; 6. Yuanguang Daxun; 7. Shengrong; 8. Beigao; 9. Yimei; 10. Huakesheng; 11. Jiahang; 12. Jianzheng; 13. Wonuannuan; 14. Zhuoli; 15. Huida; 16. Jin Changming; 17. Guwanji; 18. Ming Xinxiang Sen; 19. Starcom; 20. Zhengda; 21. Tangshangyan; 22. Baite; 23. Xinmeng Xinxun; 24. Mingchun; 25. Jinyi.

2. When naming a company, you don’t just have to use whatever word you want. If you fail to comply with the relevant regulations for company name registration, your name will not be approved for a long time. Common rules should be followed:

1. The company naming format should be standardized. Introduction to the composition of enterprise names. Enterprise names generally consist of four parts:

(1) Administrative division + enterprise name + industry + organizational form;

(2) Enterprise name + industry + organizational form ;

(3) Administrative division + enterprise name + organizational form;

(4) Enterprise name + organizational form;