

1. Gustin

... (TERTULLIAN) only talked about purgatory after he joined the Montanist sect (MONTANIST) , and he also admitted that the theory of purgatory did not come from the Bible; Augustine was the most knowledgeable and pious among the ancient church fathers. He also admitted that there was no record of purgatory in the Bible, and confirmed that purgatory was questionable. of. - Search related web pages - Based on 283 web pages

2. Augustine was born in August in Latin People

Come on, everyone! A complete list of dog names (English, including meaning) - ... ...

August August Gradin, sacred and respected Or a person of noble status; August

Augustine Augustine Latin refers to a person born in August

Avery Avery is a British naughty, prankster... - Search related web pages - Based on 74 web pages

3. Augustine

2-26 What is Augustine ( The theology of Augustine 354-430)? - Search related web pages - based on 18 web pages