Names of foreign celebrities

Ask for a nice foreigner's name! Abigail Abigail

Abby Abby (short for Abigail)

Ada Ada (short for Adelaide)

Adelaide Adelaide


Alexandra Alexandra

Ailsa Arisha

Aimee Amy


Alina Elena




Amber Amber

Anastasia anastasia (nickname Stacey)



Angelia Angelia

Angelina Angelina

Ann (Hannah's English form).

Anne Anne (same as Ann)

Annie Anne (nickname of Ann)

Anita Anita (Spanish writing of Ann)

Ariel Ariel

April april

Ashley Ashley

Aviva aviva (same as Avivahc and Avivi).

Barbara Barbara

Beata Beat

Beatrice Beatrice (same as Beatrix)

Becky Becky (nickname of Rebecca)

Betty (nickname of Elizabeth).


Bonnie Bonnie

Brenda Brenda (female form of Brandon and Brendan)

Camille Camille




Carol cairol


Carrie Kelly

Carrie Kelly (nicknames for Carol and Caroline, With Kerry)

Cassandra Cassandra

Cassie Kathy (Catherine, nickname of Cassandra)

Catherine (English form of Katherine, same as Katherine)

Cathy Kathy (nickname of Catherine, With Kathy)


Charlene Charlene (with Caroline, Charlotte)


Cherry Cherie

Cheryl Cheryl (another form of Charlotte, Also with Sheryl)

short for Chris (Christine, Kristine, With Kris)

Christina Christina (with Christine)

Christne Christine

Christy Christie (short for Christine)

Cindy Cindy (Cinderella,Cynthia, Lucinda's nickname)


Clement Clement

Cloris Clarence

Connie (Constance's nickname).

Constance constance

Cora Cora

Corrine Corrine

Crystal Crystal (same as Crystal)

Daisy Dai Xi



Debbie (Deborah, Debra's nickname)

Deborah Deborah

Deborah Debra

Demi Demi


Dolores Dolores


Doris Doris

Edith Edith

Editha Iddisah

Elaine Elaine

e. Leanor Eleanor




Ellie (Eleanor, Ellen's nickname)

Emerald Merida

Emily Emily

Emma Emma

Enid Enid

Elsa elsa (nickname of Elizabeth)

Erica Erica (female form of Eric)

Estelle Estelle ... > >

Names of foreign celebrities ywtd/gb/culture/node_13

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Kim Il Sung

Charles de Gaulle



Su Jianuo


Gorbachev and the disintegration of the Soviet Union

Gandhi and Gandhianism



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The Story of Madame Curie

Galileo, who is studious and inquisitive

Steven, a wizard in a wheelchair? Hawking

Irene? Jolio? Curie







Wonderful Art Garden More contents > > >

aram? Ilych? Khachaturian


Elvis Presley Presley


Madman painter Van Gogh


musical prodigy Mozart

imre? Chertes

father of movies





Jacques? Derrida


Thomas? Aquinas

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a businessman

a small entrepreneur-Mary? Rodas

Boss is 11 years old

Founder of McDonald's: klock


Chinese head of Xerox

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qzdenson/yifan/ Wgmr

Foreign celebrities

Political celebrities

The death of Rommel, the will of Galileo prodigy Mozart Bethune

Steven Roosevelt's last day, a wizard in a wheelchair? Lincoln, the father of Hawking's movies, moved stones

Marshall refused to be marshal Irene? Jolio? Curie imre? Chertes Jefferson's "Traveling incognito"

Khrushchev's retirement "Xavier Chopin Delaisse's report on Marx

Veltman's brilliant Benigni's great theory of geology

The moment of farewell to power, the inspiration of Churchill Beethoven's steam

French spy king D'Eon Dalton Diu Lei recorded Max because he had nothing to do

World War II star. Wei Schubert creates pain

--------------------. >

Which foreign celebrity has the longest name? Picasso's full name is Pablo Diego Hauser, Diego, Francisco de Paola, Juan Nipomocheno, CrisPigna, De Ross, Remideos, Siporiano de la Sandisima, Trinidad, Maria, Paricio, Critto, Ruiz, blasco and Picasso

It's difficult for us to master and distinguish. Here is only a brief introduction to the names of foreigners who meet more often.

British and American names

The arrangement of British and American names is that the first name comes before the last name. For example, John Wilson translated into John? Wilson, John is the first name and Wilson is the last name. Another example is Edward Adam Davis translated into Edward? Adam? Davis, Edward is the Christian name, Adam is my first name and Davis is my last name. Some people take their mother's surname or the surname of someone close to their family as their second name. In the west, there are people who follow the father's name or father's name, and the suffix of the name is Junior or Roman numerals to show the difference. For example, John Wilson, Junior, translated as Little John? William, George Smith, Ⅲ, translated as George? Smith is third.

Women's names have their own names before marriage, and after marriage, they are usually their own names plus their husbands' surnames. Like Mary? Ms. Marie White and John? Mr. John Davis got married, and the married woman's name was Mary? Marie Davis.

When writing, the first name is often abbreviated as a prefix, but the last name cannot be abbreviated, such as G. W. Thomson, D. C. Sullivan, etc.

Oral addresses are usually called surnames, such as "Mr. White" and "Mr. Smith". Formal occasions generally need the full name, but those who are closely related often call themselves by their first names. Family members, relatives and friends often use nicknames (nicknames) in addition to their first names.

In countries where English is the national language, the names are basically the same as those in Britain and the United States.

French names

French names also come first and last, and generally consist of two or three sections. The first two sections are personal names, and the last section is family names. Sometimes the names can reach four or five sections, mostly Christian names and names given by elders. But now there are fewer and fewer long names. Henri Rene Albert Guy de Maupassant Translated as Henry? Rene? Abel? Guy? De? Mo Bosang, generally referred to as Guy de Maupassant Guy? De? Mo Bosang.

French names often contain articLes such as le and La, and prepositions such as de. When translated into Chinese, they should be translated together with surnames, such as La Fantaine Lafontaine, Le Goff Legoff, de Gaulle, etc.

Women's names and oral addresses are basically the same as English names. If the name is Jacqueline? Bourget tile (Jacqueline Bourgeois) miss and name Francois? Ma Dan became husband and wife. After marriage, the lady called Mrs. Ma Dan, and her name was Jacqueline? Jacqueiline Martin.

Spanish and Portuguese names

Spanish names often have three or four sections, the first one and two sections are my name, the penultimate section is my father's surname, and the last section is my mother's surname. Generally, my father's surname is my surname, but a few people also use my mother's surname as my surname. Such as Diego Rodriguez de Silva y Velasquez translated into Diego? Rodriguez? De Silva-velazquez, DE is a preposition, Silva is the father's surname, Y is the conjunction "He" and Velasquez is the mother's surname. Married women often remove their mother's surname and add their husband's surname. Usually, oral address often refers to the father's surname, or the first name plus the father's surname. Such as the former Spanish head of state Francisco? Franco, whose full name is: Francisco? Paolino? Hermenegildo? Teodulo? Franco? Francisco Pauolino Hermenegildo Teodoro Franco Baamonde. The first four sections are personal names, the penultimate section is father's surname, and the last section is mother's surname. When abbreviated, use the first section name plus the father's surname.

Portuguese names also consist of three or four sections, the first one and two sections are personal names, followed by the mother's surname and finally the father's surname. When abbreviated, the personal name usually adds the father's surname.

In both Spanish and Portuguese, men's names often end with "O", while women's names often end with "A". Continuous translation of articles, prepositions and surnames

Russian and Hungarian names

Russian first name > >

Where is the first name in a foreigner's name? The names of foreigners are different from those of Chinese Han nationality in composition and arrangement order, and often contain articles, affixes and so on. Here is only a brief introduction to the names of foreigners who meet more often.

a. The arrangement of British and American names is that the first name comes before the last name. For example, John Wilson, John is the first name and Wilson is the last name. Another example is Edward Adam Davis, Edwa.