In the past few years, there were no restrictions on trademark registration and almost everyone could register. However, with the continuous improvement of trademark law and the continuous improvement of the trademark market order, the trademark registration process and application conditions have been strictly implemented. In addition, the number of trademark registrations has increased significantly in the past two years, and registered trademarks still need to be excluded. What are the conditions and procedures required for cake shop trademark registration? Cake and pastry products are trademarks in Class 30, franchise chain management is in Class 35, and catering services are trademarks in Class 43. It is recommended that all three categories be protected.
The current standard for trademark registration is to have a business license and be a self-employed individual. As long as you have one of the two licenses, you can register a trademark. However, trademark registration is not that simple, just have this qualification. Trademark registration is relatively cumbersome. Although the trademark registration process has been optimized recently, many people still refuse to register during the trademark registration process. We need to start from the beginning. In order to prepare in advance, let us share with you the process and steps of trademark registration:
1. Before registering a trademark, you need to consider your own trademark. What graphics or text should be used as your own trademark? Your own trademark must have unique characteristics to distinguish it from other trademarks.
2. After you have your own trademark, check whether your trademark has been registered by others or is a similar trademark in the trademark query. If not, you can register with confidence.
3. Prepare trademark registration information and related documents, such as: trademark registration application, business license or individual business owner, trademark pattern, etc.
4. Submit your application and other materials to the Trademark Office.
5. After the Trademark Office accepts the application, it will review your trademark registration application and other information to see whether it complies with the trademark registration procedures and the authenticity of the information.
6. After passing the review, or entering the announcement period, the stage of trademark objection during the announcement period is open to the right holder. If someone else raises an objection to your trademark, and the Trademark Review and Adjudication Board passes it, and the objection is established, your own trademark may be rejected, etc.
7. During the announcement period, if no one else raises any objection, a "Trademark Registration Certificate" can be directly issued.
The above is the process of trademark registration for cake shops and the conditions for trademark registration. Although the process is cumbersome, the price is cheap and you can quickly obtain a trademark through trademark transfer. If you want to pay more attention to matters related to trademark transfer, please visit the Bajie Intellectual Property Trademark Transfer website for consultation.