Sea Palace is the place where Geng Jin fell ill. There are many words, and the water becomes a square bureau, and Geng Jin's qi is getting weaker and weaker. What I like is the ice tripod. The water is full and the gas of fire is terrible. Therefore, it is more expensive to help water without children. Bing Ding takes Yin Si as the root and helps water without children to see Yin Si, which leads to the gas of Bing Ding. There are also those who are accurate in the Ke family, or they have two sons and divide their own land. Only when your own soil is mixed with others can you grow wood, and wood can help others. So I used the theory of anti-life. Therefore, it is not only an ordinary scholar show, but also a golden water show that really hurts officials. If it is cold, it is not warm and weak. It is better to rob things than to do things. The so-called injured official likes to rob his hometown best. You can't use a seal, the golden water is clear, and it is turbid when you see soil. It is said that Jinshui is smart, and the soil turns into stubbornness.
If C-A is penetrating without Ding, the average person will never tell, C-A is penetrating without Ding, and Wu Zhi is hiding without revealing. None of the above can be combined, vulgar and ordinary people, C and A are transparent without butyl, and germanium and heptyl can't be used, so there is no hope of discrimination. In short, to melt germanium and heptyl gold, it is necessary to solve the cold and freeze by C fire. This is the way to use it. A strong body likes C-D luck, while a weak body prefers it to robbery.