Ordinary attack skills: The mage's ordinary attack skills are gorgeous, but there is a certain cooling time, which is suitable for novices.
Summon skills: The mage's summoning skills can summon creatures with various means of output, which can play a very good role, especially in PK, and also have control effects such as flying and slowing down.
Burst skill: The mage's burst skill has strong damage ability, but it is more suitable for PK with low damage.
The mage's defense means are also unique. For example, the "magic barrier" can form an energy barrier around the mage's body to reduce the damage to the mage; "Wind Shadow evil influence" can also add magic evasion and physical evasion. At the same time, the mage can also learn the skills of "exorcism" and "intensive exorcism", use the most familiar fire magic, release a fiery flame air mass, and push away the enemy approaching him from a distance.