What does lx mean?

Lx :abbr abbr.lux (lighting unit).

1, phrase:

lx? Outdoor lighting is produced by diffuse light from the sky on a barrier-free horizontal plane.

Panasonic LX? Panasonic LX; Panasonic DMC-LX

DJ LX? I am tired of loving you. English version; Synthetic edition

2. for example: The? Mission? Yes? This? Project? Is it? Where to? Design? And then what? Development? That? Assembler? And then what? Linker? For what? LX- 1 164 microprocessor. ?

The task of this project is to design and develop the corresponding assembler and connector for LX- 1 164 microprocessor.

Extended data:

Synonym introduction of "lx": lux

1, pronunciation: English? 【l? Ks], is it? Beautiful? 【l? ks]

2. expression: N. Lux (lighting unit) and n.lux (lux) names; Lux (UK); (France, Germany, Hungary, Czech Republic, Sweden) It seems that

3. phrases:

Lux hides the stars? black metal

Lux fiber? Lux fiber

Delux? Low illumination