What is an imaginary number?

In reality, imaginary numbers do not exist, negative numbers are squares, and there is no solution in the range of real numbers. Mathematicians call the result of this operation an imaginary number, because such an operation cannot be explained in the real number range, so it is called an imaginary number.

A pair of numbers consisting of real numbers and imaginary numbers is regarded as a number within the range of complex numbers, so it is called a complex number.

Thus, the real number becomes a special complex number (lacking ordinal number), and the imaginary number also becomes a special complex number (lacking real number).

The imaginary number I, the unit of I, means that the root sign is negative 1.

3i is an imaginary number, that is, the root sign (-3), that is, the root sign (-1).

2+3i is a complex number (the real part is 2 and the imaginary part is 3i).