First, let's learn about Xingtian: Xingtian? The meaning of this name is: heaven, the top; Those who punish will be slaughtered. Heaven is the God of Heaven. Xingtian? It means swearing to kill the emperor for revenge. (another said that punishment means cutting and cutting; Heaven is the first, that is, the meaning of the head)
When Emperor Yan was still the Emperor of Heaven who ruled all the land, Xingtian was a minister under Emperor Yan. He loved songs all his life. He wrote music Fu Li and poem Harvest for Emperor Yan, with the general name Bumou, to celebrate the happy life of the people at that time. Later, Emperor Yan was overthrown by the Yellow Emperor and relegated to the south to become a heavenly emperor. Although he swallowed his words and did not fight against the Yellow Emperor, his son and his men were unconvinced. When dispatch troops Chiyou rebelled against the Yellow Emperor, Xingtian wanted to take part in the war, only because Yan Di's resolute stop failed. Chiyou and Huangdi failed in World War I, and Chiyou was killed. Xingtian could no longer hold back his angry heart, so he secretly left the southern heaven and went straight to the central heaven to compete with Huangdi.
weapons again. Xingtian held a rectangular shield in his left hand and a shiny axe in his right hand. He went all the way through the customs, cut down the Heavenly Gate and went straight to the front of the Yellow Emperor's palace. Emperor Huang was leading the ministers to watch the fairy dancing in the palace. When he saw Xingtian wielding a shield and axe to kill the generals, he was furious. He picked up his sword and fought with Xingtian. The two men split their swords and axes, killing them from the palace to the outside, from heaven to earth, and killing them straight to Chang yangshan.
Finally, in the battle of Chang yangshan, Chang yangshan was also the place where Emperor Yan was born. Not far to the north, it was the Xuanyuan nationality, the birthplace of the Yellow Emperor. Xuanyuan people have a snake face and a tail wrapped around their heads. The two enemies both went to their homeland, so the battle was particularly fierce. Xingtian thought that the world belonged to Emperor Yan, and now you have stolen it. I must take it back. The yellow emperor thought, now the whole world is safe and sound, and my descendants of Xuanyuan are prosperous, so I can't let others get their hands on them. So everyone tried their best to kill each other. After all, the Yellow Emperor is a battle-hardened veteran, and Xuan Nv taught the art of war for nine days, so he was more careful than Xingtian. ) a flaw, a sword to Xingtian neck cut, just listen to? Click? 1, Xingtian that huge head like a hill, then rolled down from the neck and landed at the foot of Chang yangshan. When Xingtian touched his neck without a head, he immediately panicked. He moved the axe to his left hand holding the shield and stretched out his right hand to grope and scratch on the ground. He wants to find his unyielding head, put it on his neck and fight the Yellow Emperor again. He touched and touched, and the surrounding valleys were touched by him. The towering trees and protruding rocks were all broken and collapsed under the touch of his right hand, but the head was still not found. He just felt into the distance, but he didn't expect his head to be at the foot of the mountain not far from him.