Iguanodon spinosaurus is a famous member of the dinosaur family. It impressed experts as much as the Tyrannosaurus rex did to teenage classmates. Because, among the dinosaur fossils, the earliest dinosaur discovered was the Iguanodon spinosaurus. However, the person who discovered Iguanodon was not a professional, but an ordinary British country doctor named Mantel, whose hobby was collecting fossils. In 1822, the Mantells discovered an unusual tooth and bone fossil, and they sent the specimens to the French paleontologist Cuvier. Cuvier believed that the teeth found were from large mammals, possibly extinct rhinoceroses, and the bones could be from hippopotamus fossils, so he concluded that the age of the fossils could not be too old. Mantel had doubts about Cuvier's identification, and mailed the specimen to Buckland, a British paleontologist. Buckland heard that Cuvier had already seen it, and based on empiricism, he agreed with Cuvier without hesitation. identification.
But the little man Mantel did not believe Cuvier's identification. Without the help of experts, he decided to do his own research. First, he interviewed many people with experience in identifying fossils, assiduously reviewed the literature, and compared many specimens. After more than three years of study and practice, he finally concluded from a large amount of reliable information that this was not any mammal fossil. , but an ancient, extinct reptile that had never been found before, so it was named "Iguanodon". Later, a large number of Iguanodon fossils were discovered in Britain, Belgium and other places, confirming Mantel's correct identification.