Name your product!

In fact, foreigners like things with unique Chinese culture the most. . I named him compass? . English translation of compass. . . It is one of the four great inventions of our country. . It also has China’s unique cultural heritage. .

A compass is very good. . Let’s be more detailed: From the language sense test, Compass is relatively short and easy to remember. . Semantically speaking, it has both China's unique cultural heritage and its role in connecting Western culture. . In terms of industry relevance, it is also very close to marine culture. . It is closely related to ships. . In terms of situational association. . A compass is in keeping with the accurate, delicate and dexterous nature of your sailboat. . It’s easy to relate to the sight of a small sailboat moving through the ocean. . If the image matches. . "Compass" actually has "exciting points" visually. . Of course it depends on your design skills. . Your introduction to your little sailboat is also rather vague. . I can't elaborate on it either. . Ha ha. . Finally, let’s talk about accent ambiguity. . The compass is at least a little easier to distinguish than the super, fashionable, beautiful, winning, etc. mentioned by others above. . A jar, vase or whatever can be called fashionable and beautiful. . Ha ha. . Using an adjective to name it seems to have no foundation. . I just said it casually. . I hope it will be a reference for you to choose other names. .