Qin Baizhou is from the Book of Songs: a white boat is also a flood. If you are worried, if you have hidden worries.
Qin Diwen comes from the white boat in the Book of Songs, so it is not optional. Trouble is quiet and small.
Qin Weiyi's "Daya Wenwang Wenwang": "The country was born, Wei"
W: Qin's What is a Wild Goose: "Gentleman You Ning". This doesn't quite meet your requirements, but it sounds good
Qin Yirou's "When Shi Zhi is Easy for the People": "It is a virtue for the people to master easy."
Qin's "Four Qi Wen Wang": "If a big man carries the emblem, then a hundred people will also."
Qin Chumei's Sword of Qin Feng: "The so-called Iraqis are in the water."