The ancients were different from modern people. They are not only famous, but also have a word. According to the Book of Rites, three months after the birth of the ancients, their families would name them. Due to the backward medical conditions in ancient times, many babies will die young. They can live for three months, which means that there is basically no problem with their bodies. Modern people are different. Children have names when they are born, and some even have names before they are born. Children in ancient times had only one name before the age of 20, but no words. After the ceremony, I gave them a sentence. Of course, this is usually limited to men. The status of ancient women was very low. Some women don't even have a name, let alone the word. For example, when Guan Yu was 20 years old, his parents gave him the word Yunchang.
In ancient times, people rarely called them by their first names, because their names had to be registered and entered the ancestral temple. Only elders can call them by their first names, and people call them by their first names in most cases. Otherwise, they will show disrespect for others. So Guan Yu's name is Guan Yu, and the word is long. People call him Yunchang because they respect him. Usually when you are hostile, the enemy will be called Guan Yu. There is a saying that his first word is not long, but immortal. In fact, it doesn't matter what it is. What matters is that it is his parents' deep love and hope for him.
In fact, the names or characters of ancient people are similar to those of modern people, and they all have certain wishes and hopes, but there are more restrictions in ancient times than now.