How does Guofeng OA set up dimensions and databases?

1. Basic concepts of user interface of national wind system

Guofeng system, UI and business logic are separated. After logging into the technical background, you can format the entrance of the system foreground module. This is mainly to maintain an open interface entrance layout.

The interface portal layout is actually an HTML. Can be designed by artists at will.

Log in to the technical background, click "System Administrator" in the lower right corner, and enter the correct technical background password, user name ivanchain.

After logging in, you can see the layout of the whole page and what modules can be adjusted in each area.

In fact, the layout of the interface entrance is to fill an html module in the righttoppane area. Then write basic html statements in it to form a portal.

2. Interface entry writing

The specific html module entry code has certain specification requirements.

Dimension entry:

Product material database

Where the front of NameKey= is fixed. The part after NameKey= (item label) determines which dimension the item enters.

Dimension classification entry:

Product classification setting

Where the front of NameKey= is fixed. The part after NameKey= (item label) determines which dimension classification the item belongs to.

Fact entry:

Confirm payment

Where the part before CubeID= is fixed. NameKey= The lower part (entry label) determines which fact the entry points to.

The above format and style can be written at will, and the table layout of html can be designed by the artist at will. As long as it is embedded in the above entrance.

3. Item label management

Item label management is located in database dimension management, as shown in the following figure:

All the existing entrances on the system foreground interface have corresponding entrance labels here. Don't delete the existing label, otherwise the related module entrance will not be able to enter the existing foreground interface.

Domain: Please select one of enterprises or individuals.

Module number: 4 English characters at most, at any beginning, indicating the abbreviation code of this entry label.

NameKey/CubeID: the namekey of the dimension or the CubeID of the fact.

Module identification code: the unique identification of the entrance label.

There are two situations:

Case 1: If there is only one set of books for this dimension or fact, then the module ID is equal to NameKey/CubeID. However, if there are two A/C sets, and each A/C set needs to generate its own independent module entrance in the foreground interface (at this time, the NameKey/CubeID of the module entrance of the two A/C sets is the same), then the system must distinguish. Therefore, it is necessary to set the module identification code to be different from NameKey/CubeID. For example, for the people dimension,

Employee file module (SOB 1), NameKey=Agent, module ID =Agent.

"Employee Salary File" module (SOB 2), NameKey=Agent, and module ID =AgentSalary. (The module identification code itself can be named at will, and the principle is English name, which is easy to remember)

Case 2: Module is a dimension and a common general dimension. That is, a dimension with a hierarchical structure. For example, the customer dimension first has a customer classification structure:

All-—VIP customers

-Strategic customers

-Ordinary customers

-Low value customers

Equivalent to a tree, specific customers belong to the above classification. Then in the foreground interface, there should be an entrance to edit customer information and an entrance to adjust customer classification.

For the entry to adjust the Customer classification, you should set NameKey=Customer (because NameKey in the customer dimension is Customer) and Module ID = CustomerTruc.

According to this rule, it is easy to remember.

Module Type: you can select dimension, fact, dimension classification and user-defined. If the entry points to a dimension, select it. If the entry points to a dimension classification setting, select a dimension classification. If your entrance points to a fact, choose this fact. Some modules are specially coded, so select "Custom" in this case. This special module is preset by the system. If you add the tab, it will be gone.

Dimension Type: When the module type is Dimension, please make sure that the dimension you are pointing to is simple or normal. Don't make mistakes, or the system will make mistakes.

DimSolutionID SOBNo。 This corresponds to the above example. The default is SOB 1. If the module entry is a field using SOB 2, please set it here.

Allow deletion: whether the deletion function is enabled in this module.

Allow Import: whether the module enables the import function.

Allow Export: Whether the export function is enabled for this module.

Allow batch increase: whether batch increase is allowed in this module.

Use Main Table: If it is a fact, use the main table or schedule of the fact. Make no mistake.

Time Type: if true, it will be queried in the system by year, quarter and month. If no selection is specified, the fact table does not provide a query by time.

Primary Time Column: If it is a fact, which column is used by default to query the time. Please make sure that this is in line with the timetable you designed.

Locked column: if the value of the column in the fact table record meets the conditions, the column is locked and cannot be edited.

Format: AAA:BBB, where AAA is the locked field name and BBB is the field value.