1. I am a perennial herb with a height of 8-15cm. The main rhizome is in the form of a sudra to a conical sudra, the lateral rhizome is finger-shaped, the inner surface is yellow-green to dark green, or sometimes blue, the end of the fibrous root expands into a fleshy spindle, and the inner surface is yellow-green or nearly white. The lower segment of leaf sheath is usually brownish purple. Basal leaves, 4-7 pieces; Petiole is short, which is 1/3-1/2 or shorter than the length of leaf; The leaf blade is oblong and oval, 2-5cm long and 8-2cm wide, with the apex tapering to the short tail tip, the base extending downward into a stalk, and both sides are hairless, with purple halos 1-2cm wide on the upper side along the midvein. Spikes are cylindrical, extracted from rhizomes, 12-2cm long, with more than 2 bracts. The upper bracts are oval, 4-6cm long and 1.5-2cm wide, and pink is purple. The middle and lower bracts are nearly round, 2-3.5cm long and 1.5-3.2cm wide, and pale green to white. Flowering period is April-June.
2. Curcuma kwangsiensis, a perennial herb, is 5-11cm high. The main rhizome is ovoid, the lateral rhizome is fingerlike, and the cross section is white or yellowish. The end of fibrous roots often expands into a group of hammer-shaped tuberous roots with white cross-section. Leaves basal, petiole 1/4 of the length of leaves, pubescent; Leaf sheaths are 1-33cm long and pubescent; 2-5 leaves, erect, long oval, 14-39cm long and 4.5-7(-9.5)cm wide, with a short tip to an acuminate tip, a tapering base, downward extension, densely hairy on both sides, and some types with purple halo along both sides of midvein. The stable inflorescence is extracted from the rhizome, cylindrical, with the first leaf or leaves extracted at the same time, about 15cm long and 7cm in diameter. The bracts under the inflorescence are broadly ovoid and light green, and the bracts on the upper part are oblong and light red. Calyx white, about Icm long, split to the middle on one side, with 3 obtuse teeth at the apex; Corolla nearly funnel-shaped, 2-2.5cm long, petals 3, pink, oblong, the back one is wider, and the apex is slightly pocket-shaped; Lateral staminodes are petal-shaped, pale yellow, the lip is nearly round, pale yellow, the apex is 3-lobed, and the anther base is spurred; Ovary villous, style filiform, stigma capitate, hairy. Flowering period may-July.
3. Curcuma wenyujin. See "Curcuma wenyujin" for the original plant.