1, the ancient Yellow Emperor had a son named Changyi, and Changyi's eldest son named Zhuan Xu, who succeeded to the throne. The second son, named An, was sealed in Xirong. Later, he established an interest country (in today's Iran). After Emperor Wu of the Ancient Dynasty began to send envoys to interest countries, China began to associate with interest countries. When Chuan Wei, the king of interest, turned to Prince An Qing, he didn't want to be king and became a monk. He returned to Luoyang, China to preach Dharma in the second year of Jian Peijun's reign in the Eastern Han Dynasty (148), and then settled down. His descendant's surname is Ann.
2. From his surname or given surname. According to the Records of Shu Wei Guanshi, in the Northern Wei Dynasty, some people changed the Anchi surname of Xianbei to An. In Tang Dynasty, An Lushan changed from Kang surname to An surname; In the Ming Dynasty, Yuan people Meng Ge and Daze were given the surname An; There were Uighurs and Uighurs in the Tang Dynasty, and many other ethnic minorities in the Ming and Qing Dynasties, such as, Murami, Jibabi and Anjia, Aldan and Deligenhe, all changed their surnames to An.
3. Take the country name as the surname. In the Tang Dynasty, there was one of the nine surnames of Zhaowu, taking the initials of its original "Anguo" country name as the surname.